MV8000 Issues


New member
I just bought an MV8000, in the global info screen, it's saying the VGA/Mouse Expansion card is installed, when it's not. I don't think it matters too much, but could this be an issue to worry about in the future? Also, a bigger issue is that the jog wheel doesn't seem to be working at all. Any ideas on that?

I already talked to the guy about these issues and he will refund me completely if I can't work out these bugs. He didn't know too much about it though, so he couldn't address these issues. Also, I've signed up for MVNation but a mod has to approve it or something, which is why I'm asking here.

Try to re initialize the who thing and that might help,, I got the mv8800 and I'm still learning how to use it but that might fix you problems
What type of HD did you repalce the old one with? I replaced the stock HD on my MV8000 with an adapter and a 80GB laptop HD. Works great!

what problems are you having with the MV as far as getting to know it? had mine for going on 4 years now and at first coming from the MPC it was hard (still wanting to do it the same) but then watching some vids and just really diggin in I changed my approach and it became very easy to manipulate:D
I replaced it with a 3.5 80GB 7200 drive. It around 12 dollars on eBay. Works fine for me. I haven't had too many problems getting to know it, just slowly learning, as I've never had a machine like this before. I still don't know everything there is too do, and even what some of the buttons do, but I'm getting work done on it.