Mpc Drum Problem


So I'm new to the Mpc. I have the 2000 and have a Iomega250 pport on my computer and an Iomega100 Scsi on my Mpc. I used Mpceditor to load up a program to my zip disk. After I loaded my zip disk to my Mpc all of the drums were metallic sounding and distorted. Almost 8-bit sounding. How do I fix that? All samples were in wav. format and sounded fine in my computer since I tried them out before loading them on my zip disk. Maybe it's a faulty zip disk? I'll try another disk tonight but any thoughts until then?

Thanks in adavnce...
Thats a tough one...
I work on a MAC, and I think that mpceditor is PC I suspect that its the editor thats doing it to you...I also have the IOMEGA zip reader with usb, and a 2000Xl...

I dont know how long youve been using the MPC, but you know AKAI is about 2 drop the MPC RENAISSANCE, that chops by beat, region and zone, as well as assigns them to the pads with-a push of a button, in REAL TIME, while your other beat is STILL PLAYING, and supports ALL MPC PROGRAMS from earlier machines...

Sorry that I couldnt help you out on that mystery distortion...
No worries, it was just a bad zip disk so I tossed it and loaded my drums on a new one and bam, drums hit hard! New problem though...I can bang out drum patterns prior to recording but once i hit record and lay out the drums and listen to the playback my drums are all out of wack(Kick will be off and it sounds like garbage)...What's going on there? I have an Mpc2000.