MIDI Studio's

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I have a slow computer (P200 w/48MB RAM) but I want a studio, what are some alternative set ups I can use. I have looked all over the place for information about studio setups and every damn one says to buy the fastest computer you can afford, well I DON'T WANT A COMPUTER BASED STUDIO!!!! I hate computers! All I plan on doing with my computer is MIDI sequencing in Logic. Can someone tell me what other gear I'll need to make some music? So far I've decided that I'm gonna need a sampler for sure, some powered moniters, synth and a mixer. Anyone got any alternatives?? things I should consider? blah blah blah.....thanks.
I understand you completely man, I totally think that you can use the computer only for MIDI sequencing if you really want to without any problem... After all, for over a decade most musicians had an Atari ST with an old MIDI-only version of Cubase running, controlling a whoel studio of hardware samplers, synthesizers, etc..

What you should get is a good MIDI interface though.. Go to www.midiman.com and pick a good 4x4 interface (4 ports meaning 4 times IN+OUT, and also means 4 times true 16 midi channels).

Then when you have this interface, get a MIDI controller (if you are a pianist, get a Fatar SL880 or equivalent. If you are not a pianist and just starting, get a cheap $100 Fatar Studiologic MK149 it will do fine).

Then, you need something to make sounds :) because all the controller do is send the notes data as you press the keys to the computer/sequencer, which ECHOES this data to the track you select on the screen (and thus control the external synth or device and thus makes sounds ;) ).

To make sounds, my advice at the moment to be right on it is to get a second hand (meaning 50% of the price! if you dont have much money) of one of these models: NOVATION SUPERNOVA, Access Virus B, Nord Lead 2. These are nice synths and will do the job. they are not the latestttt and you can find them for good prices.

You should get a second hand (eheh again!) YAMAHA A3000 or 4000 or 5000. These are fine. Or: AKAI S5000 (get this only if your computer has USB, its a great sampler if you get the USB option). Or one of the recent EMU samplers.

You will need to route all of those sounds (most of the time you have 6 cables coming out of each device) to a mixer. If you want to get an analog one, get a MACKIE 12 tracks. If you want a digital mixer, get a YAMAHA 01V (Second hand again).

You said you want to use the computer only for MIDI sequencing, which is fine. It means that you should get a DAT recorder. Plug the line out of your studio mixer to the DAT inputs and you're in business

here is your home studio!
Hope you'll appreciate the loooonngg post :D
Took me some time but I know I would have loved to get help like this when I started all this music stuff, so I think it's useful to help others.

Take care and good luck
dont hesitate to post any other question

YO! Thanks for alll the advice, its basically the same answer I've been getting, and I think I just might go with what you suggested. I'll probably by a sampler and the MK-149 to start with, then the rest later once i have mastered the sampler.

bTW I love the site. props!
ManoOne said:
Ifor over a decade most musicians had an Atari ST with an old MIDI-only version of Cubase running
Dude, i still have one of those!:D i only use it for music school homework, it's an atari st1040, man they're so cool! Ov course i now use my pc for all my proper stuff, but the atari is sooooooooo cool!:D :) :D
Sorry to dig up such an old post, but I have a few questions. I'm trying to set up something pretty similar to the original poster's situation.

One question is a newbie Midi one lol. If a Midi controller is only sending on/off messages and no sound to the Midi sequencer, how does the sound from the sampler/synth you're controlling get into the Midi sequencer?

My other question is : Is it possible to sequence drums and samples from Battery on a Mac with Cubase on an Atari? Basically I want to sequence Battery from my Macintosh, using an MPD16 to drum patterns into the Atari to get that wonderful timing. Then, get those loops back onto the Mac, to add effects and mix with Live.

to the top question; basically it doesn't as midi is only hexidecimal messages no audio sounds involved. the midi note data etc goes to sequencer which then tells your synth / soundmodule which notes (sounds)/ patches to (trigger) play. As to the second one i have no idea:))