Looking for a serious MIDI controller for 300 or less.


New member
I've seen the Moog Voyager XL, the expensive Rolands, and even the cheaper stuff like the new Axiom Air.

I am currently stuck between buying a refurbished Axiam Air 49 (299.99), or a Roland a500s (possibly the a500-pro, if you guys can talk me in to why i need all those extra knobs)

Any other recommendations?

So far, it appears that the only GOOD keys for 300 or less are the ones I listed. I'm not necessarily looking for something with the most bells and whistles. Just something high quality, that feels that way, and works flawlessly with DAWs... suggestions please!
Hey there DNAmusic. Most of these companies are using the same technology these days so the major difference between the keyboards are the features. If you know what features you want to have for your production then choosing one shouldn't be a problem.

But I use the M-Audio Oxygen and works great for the music I make. It's even cheaper :)
Hey there DNAmusic. Most of these companies are using the same technology these days so the major difference between the keyboards are the features. If you know what features you want to have for your production then choosing one shouldn't be a problem.

But I use the M-Audio Oxygen and works great for the music I make. It's even cheaper :)

True true, but an important part for me is how high quality it feels. I like well crafted, weighted keys, that don't give off that flimsily plastic feel. I'm willing to pay a little extra for something that's known to work flawlessly with DAWS. I read a lot of reviews on stuff like say... the Axiom AIR, and a lot of people complain about problems with the hyper control and say it doesn't work with Pro Tools.
depends on what you want.

76 key casio was like 200 3 years back.im not sure what full weighted is but it certainly didnt feel like synthesizer keys.
maudio 88 keys semi weighted 200 bucks.this one feels kinda cool it has some of that feel but fast.
looks like you want a full weighted keyboard with more than 49 keys, not sure if those are below 300 yet.
True true, but an important part for me is how high quality it feels. I like well crafted, weighted keys, that don't give off that flimsily plastic feel. I'm willing to pay a little extra for something that's known to work flawlessly with DAWS. I read a lot of reviews on stuff like say... the Axiom AIR, and a lot of people complain about problems with the hyper control and say it doesn't work with Pro Tools.

I would recommend you to find a local store that sells midi keyboards and just feel the keyboard yourself. Most stores usually have a studio where you'll find a good salesman who'll plug it in for you and convince you that you're buying the real deal :D just kiddin but test the keyboard yourself don't rely on reviews.

The hyper control issue was long time ago I think Pro Tools have found a fix for that bug.