Logic Pro 9 and Reason Rewire problems. Can anyone solve this?


1 Dynasty Music
Im using Logic Pro 9 and Reason 5 rewired. I use reason mostly but i like to mix with 3rd party plug-ins and use 3rd party AU's vts's, rtas, etc instruments. When I try to bounce out the finished project from logic it bounces out normally and when i listen to the file when its done. the instruments between logic and reason are off time. but when i play the project in logic and reason everything is on time. It just wont bounce out on time does anyone know a fix for this? i have looked everywhere and i cant find a answer. i did read something about how some plug-ins cause latency but no way to fix it. i also tried low latency mode in logic but it disabled all my plugins and made my mix sound plain.
*BUMP* I also have this issue

I also have this issue, anyone know how to solve it? It's really annoying, with abit of trial and error I can move my tacks 'out of time' so they bounce 'in time'. But it's really not good enough. Help!
Turn on the low latency if its all on beat then bounce the midi to audio and mix the audio tracks with your plug ins in logic. This should be a simple work around though I think its more of a logic issue and since I do not use logic I am not 100% sure what to tell you besides that
I also have this issue, anyone know how to solve it? It's really annoying, with abit of trial and error I can move my tacks 'out of time' so they bounce 'in time'. But it's really not good enough. Help!

yes i have done that before and it works but it defeats the purpose of rewire. because what low latency really does is disables all of the latency plug-ins. so your tracks will bounce out on time and in synce but it will destroy the quality of your mix. i rewire to use other plugins to get a better mix but low latency mode just gets rid of everything i did.