Keyboard and Audio Interface


New member
Hey guys,

I just got into Cubase and got an Audio Interface.So I connected my Keyboard with my Audio Interface and my Audio Interface with my laptop.However the sound of my Keyboard is not "transported" to the laptop .So basically what I did yet was to connect my Keyboard (YAMAHA PSR E443) with my audio interface(steinberg ur22 mk2)and my audio interface with my laptop.I downloaded a driver as well.What else Do I need do play a sound on my keyboard and have it on my laptop?
As your keyboard has a driver you need to know if your laptop recognizes your keyboard. Be aware that your keyboard has built-in speakers and as you get to know your keyboard you may want to invest in one that doesn't have built-in speakers.
Do you mean you can't hear the keys through your laptop speakers, or the signal isn't recording?