New member
I'm talented, people tell me that I could hold my own with big name artists lyrically and people say my beats are just on another level. I played 1 of my beats and 3 or 4 beats from big name producers and didn't tell people which one was mine and most people chose mine. I feel like people won't take me serious because of my background and who I am, I'm 14, 1/2 White 1/2 Puerto Rican, raised in a REALLY nice suburban town right out of Boston (It was ranked like 8th best place to live in the country, I think it was money magazine but I'm not sure). The only people that know me are people from my town that I know, I have no rep, I don't know how to get my foot in the door of the Hip Hop world but I'm willing to do just about anything to make it even semi-big. How can I do this