I need some lyrics, u might know em, if u are a drum and bass head!



what are the lyrics for brown paper bag, my mate needs em for a song interpretation, and i cant find the bastards n e where
That's creepy- me and some friends were trying to work out what the words are last night. Also to that track Digital from New Forms... I know in BPB the chick goes "Innnnnnnnn...' before it takes off the first time:) I understand this is no help whatsoever
yeah but cheers n e way, i want ton find the damn lyrics, i know it says

step to the rythm made out of brown paper
rythms and sounds of a different nature

then i loose it

i know other parts i juts cant remmeber them

anybody, please help!

....did a search on google and found lyrics to some rap song with the same name....ha ha ha
I think it goes:

"I had a date with a brown paper bag,
we got along well and went home to shag.
All of a sudden it called me a slag,
so I picked up my Glock and shot it in the head.

I had a date with a brown paper bag,
we drank a lot of beer and smoked a lot of fags.
Then I started feeling that the bag was a drag,
so I shot it in the head and now it's dead"

That was "Brown Paper Bag" by John Schlong & The Fabulous Sphincter Eaters, right?
the rythms get great and the rythms get greater
something something something
yeah, it is a killer sopng, just nobody knows the phucking words.
Try these !!

Try these out !!
"Step to the rhythm made out of brown paper,
Sounds of rhythms of a different nature,
Rhythms get great and the rhythms get greater
Yes, another ruffer, tough 4 for the chaser,
New configuration, new riff and new structure,
Built on a frame that will hold and wont puncture,
Tight, we wrap it up,its wrapped tightly,

Then i lose it, dont know any more, sorry. Peace

it lives, the bass is the harmony that it gives
when we apply th ebrakes there wil be no skids
just more elemetts, kjjbgdshvskhbsf
dimensions and the measurements and the evdidence you will find