I Need Help (preferably by you)

Hello, My name is Izaac, Rapper name Izaac Thee Unknown, I've been a producer/ rapper for 3 years but recently I've really hit a wall where I cant learn any new skills in producing and rapping on my own, I'm looking to make a rapper/ producing group please comment below your instagram handle if you would like to be a part of this group. To contact me for more info (cause this shit sound sketchy af) reach me at my instagram @_whoisunknown_

Also listed down are some of my accolades to show I'm not just some nobody who tries too hard
-Has 1.5mil views on a song (The Blade by Unknown on YT)
-10.3K Subscribers on YT
-14,406 Monthly Listeners on Spotify (I use the name Unknown on Spotify, pretty hard to find but if you search for "The Blade Unknown" my song should be the first to come out)
-53k Views on SoundCloud

Anyways hope this finds someone, please if you are intrested
DM Me.
-Izaac Thee Unknown