How Valuable Do You Think Full Sail Academy Is In Adancing In The Music Industry??

Fullsail is dope if you cand handle it. I learned a lot, evidenced by some of my more educated posts on this forum and to people that hit me up outside of it. I have benefited from full sail because of the people I met. My friends who have put themselves in positions now trying to get all of us on in some way. The people u meet at fullsail is a concentrated batch of up and comers and some stragglers.

The price tag is hefty but it has done me well.
Not to knock full sail because it is a very reputable school for recording, BUT its not worth it for the price. I mean back in the days before protools it was very beneficial, but now you can go to any cheap recording school and learn just as much and be ready. All you need to know is the basics and from there get a job running at a studio and move up from there. YOU LEARN THE MOST from hands on training. Straight up. Being in the studio getting your hands dirty. But if you got that kind of cash going to full sail is one of the top schools so you will get a lot out of it.
PhillePhil said:
Not to knock full sail because it is a very reputable school for recording, BUT its not worth it for the price. I mean back in the days before protools it was very beneficial, but now you can go to any cheap recording school and learn just as much and be ready. All you need to know is the basics and from there get a job running at a studio and move up from there. YOU LEARN THE MOST from hands on training. Straight up. Being in the studio getting your hands dirty. But if you got that kind of cash going to full sail is one of the top schools so you will get a lot out of it.

Very true. I wouldn't say its not worth the price tho. You get out of it what you put into it. You are right when u say that nothing beats getting in a studio and learning hands on.

as20gp said:
OFF is a member on here

he's a beast, shoot him a PM

Thank you sir.

HisBrother said:
yeah, OFF drops straight fire and knowledge...

Thank you too sir.
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nigiano said:
I'm planning on going there. Just need more funds or a scholarship :(

i dont think they offer scholarships cuzzo. cash check or charge. unless you got the G.I. bill like my cousin.
EmDotJay said:
seriously though, i start there in june. im going to get my noise out there one way or another but i am thankful for the opportunity to go there.

my bad i meant ADVANCING**

i graduated from there as well, its now a University which is good, looks even better on the resume. I went for recording but my main goal was the BA for the entertainment business program. You may hear some bad reviews but alot of those come from people who went there with the wrong idea/intentions. also it was alot cheaper when i went lol
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You can get independant scholarships (separate from the school). Some are just for advancing music careers. Look up grants in your state.
i was planning on going...but i wanted to do a 4 year program...they are 2 years..i wanted to be semi close to home which is philly...theyre in florida...i wanted some time to see my family once in a while....they dont give u much vacation i decided not to go there. my main college im lookin at is drexel right now on philly. good music industry/business program.
applying to schools like that are more about your experience with music and (unfortunately) your monetary status, you either have to be loaded with dough or dirt poor, if your an average income family, I wouldn't waste the time

fortunately for me my family was pretty well off for the year they based you financial need off of, and the following year 07, my father was unemployed, so when I actually attend my financial aid will be generous.

and full sail and IADT offer scholarships, not many though. you can always get your hands on scholarships/grants offered by other organizations and there are a lot out there.

when all that's not enough, you can always get student loansand if your still hurting you can even take out personal loans (last resort). and if you can't get approved for loans, usually the schools will offer you loans if you got bad credit (or no credit) at a slightly higher percentage than banks/companies.

and I agree with others too, you can advance without schooling, as a PRODUCER, but I want to pursue a career as an ENGINEER first. I figure IF rap/hip-hop ever actually died out I would still be able to get paid from my work with music.

ya dig.....?
my boy went and graduated from full sail about 2 years ago, and for him, it was a good experience which lead to him getting pretty deep int he industry. the thing is, for most people, it really amounts to nothing more than knowledge.

while my boy was there, he started ****in with a small indie out of chicago who were workin out in florida. after graduating, he went up to the chi with them, and ended up linking with 1st & 15th (before and during food & liquor.) Chill started to manage him and within months he had offers from a couple majors including atlantic and def jam. unfortunately, just when **** started to pop off Chilly got locked up, and my boys progress was set back.

bottom line is Full Sail gives u a great oppurtunity to network. like somebody else said, go out and socialize!

personally, if i was gonna go to a music school, i would go to SAE
it looks like a cool place, but idk if i want to just go to a school for music.

i'd like to get a degree that will actually help me get a good paying job.
Actually FS does have scholarships, I have to get back with the admin office on which ones ,i knocked out the financial aid ,just need some extra change before deciding on a loan. I might just say **** it and take a dive for it.