Jackpot ProductionZ
*From The Ground Up*
I posted this in another thread but I don't think it will get any real recognition so I'll re-post it here. Now keep in mind....there's hundeds of ways to get a placement. Sometimes it may take a long time and sometimes it is very quick, sometimes it may be 6-9 months before you get another placement once you've placed, others it could take a few years. Politics & relationships play a big factor as well.......
All of you anti-industry cats who think you're above the system might as well quit today and not even waste your life chasing something you fundamentally aren't even prepared to work for......
For others, this is some insight to answer a few questions on how some placements can happen.......
"Here's a scenario of how a placement can happen."
Let's say it's 2009 right? Let's say you moved to Los Angeles in January and you have no idea what to do and know nobody. You signup with Ascap and they send you some information about up & coming Ascap events coming up. You go to 2 of the Ascap events in February. Now let's say you have your DEMO CD with you when you go, you dress accodrdingly and keep professional at all times.
You meet a person who is managing a couple artists and producers and you present your DEMO to them. They call you back a few days later and tell you they are feeling your music and would like to sit down with you and talk about possible management. So you go sit down with them and details get discussed and after a week of having the contract looked over by your lawyer you sign.
The manager invites you to a few studio sessions at a very well known studio. During those sessions you run into Fergie, Will I Am, JR Rotem, Jasper Cameron & a rep from Interscope. Your manager formally introduces you to these people as they come and go as his new producer, tells them you're hot and that you could be the next big producer. Your manager pays for a couple studio sessions for you over the next couple weeks and you meet more and more people and get your name circulating throughout that studio.
Then one day your manager tells you that Akon is in the room next to yours and him and Akon have a good relationship and that he'd like to invite Akon to listen to a few of your tracks. Akon kindly accepts, your manager pumps you up to Akon to show confidence in your music. You play 5 or 6 tracks for 45 seconds each. Akon tells you he is really feeling the 3rd track you played and if you could send that over to him he'd love to write to it.
Your engineer mixes the track a little and gives it to Akon. 2 weeks later you learn that Akon has demo'd up a song to your track. You're excited and hope he keeps it. During this span you meet more people at events, studio sessions, concerts, etc. 4 months later you learn your song has made the cut for Akon's album and they send over the paperwork, split sheets, etc. Akon's album is released in December of 2009 and goes platinum, you are now getting some nice publishing checks.
Your track gets some mention around Akon's camp and others and the Interscope rep who met you a couple times over the course of 2009 wants to sit down with you and offer you a $75,000 Publishing Deal through Universal Music Group.
You accept after a couple weeks of deliberations over numbers of commitments and percentages. During these couple weeks you learn that a song you wrote to one of your tracks was playing in the studio when Tiffany Evans walked by and she asked if she could have it. You now have more leverage for your offer from UMG and they raise it to $100,000 and 12 commitments. You sign and your manager uses his relationships to try to get you on as many projects as possible.
You get your Pub Check in May of 2010 for $40,000 of your $100,000 for landing 2 placements. You come to find out your song on Tiffany Evans has been chosen for a single.......
And the cycle continues.......
There's millions of ways to get placements, get on, etc, this is just one of many possible scenarios.......
All of you anti-industry cats who think you're above the system might as well quit today and not even waste your life chasing something you fundamentally aren't even prepared to work for......
For others, this is some insight to answer a few questions on how some placements can happen.......
"Here's a scenario of how a placement can happen."
Let's say it's 2009 right? Let's say you moved to Los Angeles in January and you have no idea what to do and know nobody. You signup with Ascap and they send you some information about up & coming Ascap events coming up. You go to 2 of the Ascap events in February. Now let's say you have your DEMO CD with you when you go, you dress accodrdingly and keep professional at all times.
You meet a person who is managing a couple artists and producers and you present your DEMO to them. They call you back a few days later and tell you they are feeling your music and would like to sit down with you and talk about possible management. So you go sit down with them and details get discussed and after a week of having the contract looked over by your lawyer you sign.
The manager invites you to a few studio sessions at a very well known studio. During those sessions you run into Fergie, Will I Am, JR Rotem, Jasper Cameron & a rep from Interscope. Your manager formally introduces you to these people as they come and go as his new producer, tells them you're hot and that you could be the next big producer. Your manager pays for a couple studio sessions for you over the next couple weeks and you meet more and more people and get your name circulating throughout that studio.
Then one day your manager tells you that Akon is in the room next to yours and him and Akon have a good relationship and that he'd like to invite Akon to listen to a few of your tracks. Akon kindly accepts, your manager pumps you up to Akon to show confidence in your music. You play 5 or 6 tracks for 45 seconds each. Akon tells you he is really feeling the 3rd track you played and if you could send that over to him he'd love to write to it.
Your engineer mixes the track a little and gives it to Akon. 2 weeks later you learn that Akon has demo'd up a song to your track. You're excited and hope he keeps it. During this span you meet more people at events, studio sessions, concerts, etc. 4 months later you learn your song has made the cut for Akon's album and they send over the paperwork, split sheets, etc. Akon's album is released in December of 2009 and goes platinum, you are now getting some nice publishing checks.
Your track gets some mention around Akon's camp and others and the Interscope rep who met you a couple times over the course of 2009 wants to sit down with you and offer you a $75,000 Publishing Deal through Universal Music Group.
You accept after a couple weeks of deliberations over numbers of commitments and percentages. During these couple weeks you learn that a song you wrote to one of your tracks was playing in the studio when Tiffany Evans walked by and she asked if she could have it. You now have more leverage for your offer from UMG and they raise it to $100,000 and 12 commitments. You sign and your manager uses his relationships to try to get you on as many projects as possible.
You get your Pub Check in May of 2010 for $40,000 of your $100,000 for landing 2 placements. You come to find out your song on Tiffany Evans has been chosen for a single.......
And the cycle continues.......
There's millions of ways to get placements, get on, etc, this is just one of many possible scenarios.......