How To Decrease MP3 Size (for ''vloud'' AKA ''very loud'' service purpose)


your friend

I am new member here and as you can see from my name, I am your friend and would like to welcome myself to this forum. Even if Im not producer I still find the forum useful to ask my question here and hopefully someone can give a suggestion.

What I search for is the software which is able to decrease the filesize of MP3 file. So basically what I need is something what would make less MBs of mp3. I know you might wonder why someone (me) would need this. Its because I have somehow discovered the web application on the followig site:


I know it might be online for ages but I haven't known for it before. Have always been yelling at myself how all my mp3s are a way waaaay too quiet. Tried wavelab and also heard for mp3gain and some similar applications but i cannot use them because of two reasons:

- even if i change the loudness to maximum and save mp3 with this new loudness (much louder track), its still too quiet
- very often quality of sound crashes

I have tried to use free web service at the mentoined site. But I was waiting for a single mp3 for over 3 hours and this web tool was saying all the time that it is processing my request. Of course I checked several times if my pc got frozen but it didn't. So I started thinking what could be the reason that the tool doesn't work. I got idea that the reason for not responding might be in filesize: maximum filesize which is allowed there is 10 mb but all my mp3s are above that size. So now im asking how to decrease that size of mp3s. Does anyone know a good tool?

I found a few through google already but im worried that they are gonna either crash sound quality and/or cut some % of mp3. The length, quality and everything else must be completely the same. Just with decreased size.

Anyone has an advice?

---------- Post added 09-28-2011 at 10:09 AM ---------- Previous post was 09-27-2011 at 02:07 PM ----------

why is everyone ignoring me?
i use logic for my mp3 conversion.
I find that is the best. And i would always use 320k to help maintain the quality of the sample or track