How often should you seek validation?


or ask for critiques or direction?

I feel I'm asking too often to check I'm heading the right way instead of trusting my gut... Thoughts on this?
You should be putting your music out there enough to have validation "automated". Sounds like you're controlling when and how your music gets heard. Put it out there and you'll evolve much faster!
try to gravitate towards those that willl give you valuable input. Their's lots of people who can just blow smoke up your ass for the sake of it, but if you can find those who you respect and are actually able to teach you stuff it will bring great improvement! :D
seek feedback not validation, what you want to do is lose your bias on hearing your own stuff and gain objectivity by hearing it how others hear it.
seek feedback/direction from validated individuals. either than that, you validate your own shit.
this isn't about music
its about personal shit...

people who create do it to either
release something from inside OR
find completion from outside....

sometimes im bottled up...
people everywhere...
full of stress..
bust a few lines..
f#ck the world...
that shits off my chest...
other the only man standing...
I write to the black hole...
very demanding...
and when I hear back....
and i do...
love has landed..
im okay...validated....heard....
not taken for granted...

so it depends on what you want -

IF IF IF you need validation to feel better about you - write a facebook page - anonymously or not. I do - I have a couple hundred women who follow me. so when I need the love I drop a few lines - I always hear from someone - someone likes or comments and I feel that what I wrote went out the universe and came back to me. heard. im okay. im alive. someone hears me......

IF IF IF you want critique....constructive follow post #2 - put your shit out there. don't "handle" yourself and try to control the love. if its good you'll be told. if its not you'll be told. IF IF IF you want feedback on technique then seek feedback where technique is evaluated. you wont ask too much.

remember - people critique and give love based on what they have to benchmark it against. give them something they've already seen and youre a shittier version. give them something new and youre the benchmark.
If you feel like you're asking for validation too often then you probably are! :-). Trust your gut.