How do y'all deal with selling that first beat?

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New member
I wanted a bit of advice on selling my first beat (don't wanna just sell the beat and only get cash up front). Me & my manz already agreed on a price and all that, but my question is in terms of actually selling the beats I had a couple questions about that. I'm concocting a tape for him, and just had a couple questions:
  • Should I register the beat on BMI before he records on it, then again when the actual songs drop?
  • In terms of a contract, I need to find and finalize one. I'll probably Google one for both leases and exclusives, is there anything in particular I need to make sure I put in there?
  • If it's an exclusive lease, do I still get money off the backend for sync placements, PROs, etc?
  • How do I get the sync licensing money in my pocket?
  • Do I get anything from publishing?
  • At what point do I have him sign the contract, or attach it to the beat?
  • For future beats, should I copyright them as instrumentals before I upload it to certain places like beatstars, airbit, etc?
Thanks for answering whatever questions you do answer, and if there's any articles or books that have chapters specifically detail any of these concerns can you point me in the right direction?

'Preciate it,

Beatstars already have pre written contracts attached to every lease and exclusive sold, you can research for the terms of each one. I would sell all my beats through them until you're at a level to deal with a music attorney
Beatstars already have pre written contracts attached to every lease and exclusive sold, you can research for the terms of each one. I would sell all my beats through them until you're at a level to deal with a music attorney
Thanks for the response. So for this particular situation should I just give a code for a deal or sumn?
You should work that out with the artist. I mean in all honesty how much potential does this artist have to blow up for it even being worth it to get involved with PRO's and such this early in the game? I understand you wanting to protect yourself on your end but i think you might be overthinking it a bit too early, because personally i have sold tons of leases and nothing big has come out of it yet. If you have faith in the artist to possibly being a big thing then I believe you should protect yourself at all cost but at this stage I say you are better off just licensing your music through a beatstars or airbit for now
You should work that out with the artist. I mean in all honesty how much potential does this artist have to blow up for it even being worth it to get involved with PRO's and such this early in the game? I understand you wanting to protect yourself on your end but i think you might be overthinking it a bit too early, because personally i have sold tons of leases and nothing big has come out of it yet. If you have faith in the artist to possibly being a big thing then I believe you should protect yourself at all cost but at this stage I say you are better off just licensing your music through a beatstars or airbit for now
Thanks man, I guess that's the way to roll with it then.