New member
I wanted a bit of advice on selling my first beat (don't wanna just sell the beat and only get cash up front). Me & my manz already agreed on a price and all that, but my question is in terms of actually selling the beats I had a couple questions about that. I'm concocting a tape for him, and just had a couple questions:
'Preciate it,
- Should I register the beat on BMI before he records on it, then again when the actual songs drop?
- In terms of a contract, I need to find and finalize one. I'll probably Google one for both leases and exclusives, is there anything in particular I need to make sure I put in there?
- If it's an exclusive lease, do I still get money off the backend for sync placements, PROs, etc?
- How do I get the sync licensing money in my pocket?
- Do I get anything from publishing?
- At what point do I have him sign the contract, or attach it to the beat?
- For future beats, should I copyright them as instrumentals before I upload it to certain places like beatstars, airbit, etc?
'Preciate it,