How do I get into electronic music production?


New member
I've been playing with my band for a long time now, but I really want to try to make some solo projects myself. I would like to make some semi-electronic stuff- I'd play guitar, record it and then add some effects. Mostly ambiance and stuff. Something that would sound psychadelic-y. I have all the ideas in my head and I can get the guitar part down, but I have no idea how to do the electronic side of things. I've downloaded like 10 programs for music making and guitar effects but after spending a few days experimenting I can't figure anything out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Be patient, no one ever learned all the things you have to know to do a good song within "a few days".
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I wish people would get out of this "get stuff, make instant pro tracks" mentality. If you think you need 10 programs to MAKE music-you're off on the wrong foot.
Focus on sound design to help get those sounds in your head onto your track.
That stuff will take years to grasp to a comfortable level specter dude.

10 programs experimenting with stuff before sticking to a couple is a good approach, but a long one.

Key word here messing with multiple demos of software before sticking to anything.
Or just picking one or two to stick to for a couple months to learn on.
You just gotta dive in, grope through the dark, for what seems like eternity but eventually your eyes will start to make out shapes in the darkness and then your eyes will turn all crazy yellow and people will be like woah...
Well, it took me 4 years to reach the level I'm at, and I still need to improve. That said, follow above hints.

BTW, you have a great instrument in your hands that can do anything for this kind of music. You can make a guitar sound like a pad. Just need to experiment.