how do i add an un-looped midi synth to the arrangement view?


New member
hey guys,

I seem to be having a lot of trouble adding any synth instruments from the MIDI channel into my arrangement view to play with my master track. can anyone help? tutorials seem to show you have to make the synth sounds but then they all just kinda stop but i must be missing something...
um, what daw are you referring to - we have no clue from the limited information you have given
Tab would get you into arrangement view yes, but you still need to drag the clips from session view by simply click and hold, press tab, and drag it to the right track in arrangement. You can also just right click and copy paste it, or you can create a midi clip in arrangement view and edit it there. Then you either copy paste that for as long as you want it playing, duplicate it, or simply loop it and frag the right end of the clip for as long as you want.

What exactly do you mean by un-looped? You can always loop your clips, in either session or arrangement view by clicking the loop button in the lower left corner when you are editing a clip, then you can adjust the loop start and end points.
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