How are people selling sampled beats

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In a lot of cases it's up to the artist to get it cleared.

That's dumb as hell though. Doing something illegal and making money and putting the legal part on the next man.

If you sell crack, do they leave you alone and go after the crackheads?

... the whole time mf's is complaining about cheap beat sales when they're selling shyt they didn't make in the first place.... lol

I don't want to clear the samples but I want to get paid for the beat.... what kind of shat is that... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
That's dumb as hell though. Doing something illegal and making money and putting the legal part on the next man.

If you sell crack, do they leave you alone and go after the crackheads?

... the whole time mf's is complaining about cheap beat sales when they're selling shyt they didn't make in the first place.... lol

I don't want to clear the samples but I want to get paid for the beat.... what kind of shat is that... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

You must not have read my post in this thread.

Lemme sum it up for you: IT IS NOT illegal for me to make a beat with a sample in it. IT IS ILLEGAL FOR THE ARTIST OR LABEL TO COMMERCIALLY REALEASE THE BEAT/SONG WITHOUT PROPER CLEARANCE. So, if the artist or label like it enough, they should clear it. They are the one's releasing it. Not me (the producer)
You must not have read my post in this thread.

Lemme sum it up for you: IT IS NOT illegal for me to make a beat with a sample in it. IT IS ILLEGAL FOR THE ARTIST OR LABEL TO COMMERCIALLY REALEASE THE BEAT/SONG WITHOUT PROPER CLEARANCE. So, if the artist or label like it enough, they should clear it. They are the one's releasing it. Not me (the producer)

Maybe you're to phuggin' dumb to understand MY POST!


You make a beat with a sample in it COOL! IF YOU SELL that beat to anybody... you are violating copyright law.

I see dumb people and I shouldn't have to explain myself.

Make all the sampled beats you want... but you can't receive money for them.

Stupidity should be painful.
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even if you were to clear a sample yourself as a producer.. the company releasing the finished product has to clear that again REGARDLESS..
The thread title said what?

Somebody that can read... translate for Rob Bec
Why the phuck did Rob Bec think he was making a point, lol....
So, if you as an artist or label don't want to pay to clear samples, don't buy beats with samples in them.


Don't buy beats with samples in them?

Don't accept money for beats with samples in them?

Artists are dumb as hell, I'd just jack your phukin' beat and dare you to say shyt.

You don't have permission to sell it.... lol. It's FREE! BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE A LEG TO STAND ON.

Show me that you got the sample cleared for your beat ... and THEN you're legit. Otherwise, THANKS.

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what you're gettin is only an advance that should be deducted once money starts coming in from the finished product..

What you're doing is illegal.

You don't get any ADVANCE on anything you don't own.

Ghat Damn Charlie I know you're handicapped in musical ability but don't try to justify stealing and getting paid and call it an ADVANCE. LOL!
You make a sampled beat.... it gets cleared... it's released.


You make a sampled beat .... it doesn't get cleared... you get paid.... it's on somebody else to clear it.
I have never realized the mental capacity of people on FP....

tis sad.

How is it that people don't know they can't sell shyt they don't own... or have approval for.

That seems pretty simple to me.
you dont have a clue about what you're talking about biggrome.. if that was the case timbaland, just blaze, kanye west and all of your heroes would be locked up right now... ur just mad u cant sample... i can do both so its nothin.. have u ever even sold a beat? everytime i come on fp u on here sayin some dumb ****... lol... its sad rome... u might wanna change your name to the angry and frustrated producer... might get more attention taht way
Ok Rome, call me dumb or whatevr you like, but when you get done talking.........

If you buy a beat from me with a sample in it, its up to you to get it cleared. What you paid me for was the work I did to the sample, not for the rights to use the sample.
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PS Mr. BigRome

You need to start sampling, cause your beats are azz. Prolly why you have over 20,000 posts

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the online thing is one thing
its definitely illegal
easy to get away with but still very illegal
just like cracked software is and i cant say its "right" to do
but nobodys going to stop it. we can complain (and most of us in this thread will still do it! lol)

but with major label situations
not only does the artist get an upfront fee for the use of the song
they also get a cut of that royalty
which comes OUT of your pending royalties

so really everyone takes a hit (hopefully) equally, because the artist & producer & label all knew they were getting into something by using a sample

so it all works out

the other comment i made earlier wasnt meant to be harsh though lol
As harshly as it was thrown out, Rome is saying the Truth. Selling a sampled beat without clearance is illegal. There are loopholes around it as I said in my post.

If i sell a beat with a sample of someone's work in it, I might as well be selling you a bootleg of their CD. Same thing.

That's why you should have stipulations to the contracts you use when selling sampled tracks. Something along the line of you being compensated for the original work you've done in the track with the label or artists taking the responsibility to track down others involved so they are compensated.

That's a pretty standard contract. Same would be used if I co-produced a track but I was the main guy involved with the sale, or if I made the track but had a bassist that needed to be paid as well.

You can legally be paid for your work before all parties involved in a song are paid. But if you just "sell the beat with no clearance" that is very much illegal and can bind you to responsibilities if it isn't cleared.

That's not saying major artists don't do this on a regular basis, because they most definetly do. I've made a good lick off of selling uncleared tracks, but that's like saying I've made a good lick off slinging dope. That doesn't make it legal or the correct way to do things just because famous producers are doing the same.
As harshly as it was thrown out, Rome is saying the Truth. Selling a sampled beat without clearance is illegal. There are loopholes around it as I said in my post.

If i sell a beat with a sample of someone's work in it, I might as well be selling you a bootleg of their CD. Same thing.

That's why you should have stipulations to the contracts you use when selling sampled tracks. Something along the line of you being compensated for the original work you've done in the track with the label or artists taking the responsibility to track down others involved so they are compensated.

That's a pretty standard contract. Same would be used if I co-produced a track but I was the main guy involved with the sale, or if I made the track but had a bassist that needed to be paid as well.

You can legally be paid for your work before all parties involved in a song are paid. But if you just "sell the beat with no clearance" that is very much illegal and can bind you to responsibilities if it isn't cleared.

That's not saying major artists don't do this on a regular basis, because they most definetly do. I've made a good lick off of selling uncleared tracks, but that's like saying I've made a good lick off slinging dope. That doesn't make it legal or the correct way to do things just because famous producers are doing the same.

Seems like most of the time, Artists prefer good sampled beats over good composed beats. That's just in my experience tho. I'm sure others have experienced otherwise, so don't try to chew me out. I'm just sayin. But yeah, I rap too, so I'd consider myself an 'artist' too. and yeah, I prefer sampled beats. They just sound cooler. lol. but yeah, for real tho, IMO death to samplin' = death to hip-hop. argue me down if u want, but that's how I feel. And who's gonna pay for sample clearance if u don't even know if u can sell the beat? Guess I'm an outlaw. lol.
Basically the artist has to clear the sample again even if it was cleared by the beatmaker. Since the song that uses the beat is a new entity.
And even if the beat got cleared, that may not be the case with the song if the sampled artist doesn't approve of the new content.
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