G5 Macs for music


New member
I am new here I have two G5's one is a 1.8 Ghz the other is a 2.5 dual I would like to use one of these for music production or should I go with building a Amd quad core system.
unlike Windows7, OSX 10.6 is not backwards compatible with older machines. Going with a G5 means your OSX experience ends at 10.5. An old 1GHz Pentium 3 w/1GB RAM can run Win7 32bit albeit slowly, but it'll run. You will be limited to software that supports G5's, not that this is necessarily a bad thing as there's great software for G5's out there.
You should make the jump over to PC. For the price of your G5 dual core, you can pick up a sick six-core PC system with twice the processor speed! Unless of course you're a die-hard Mac guy... in that case, nevermind...lol. I have friends who I debate on a weekly basis on the PC vs. Mac world!