Frame Auralex?


New member
I've got a ton of this:


I want to make frames of 4x4 pads to hang on the wall. Will they still be effective if I frame them?

Depends of the frame, but I think that it will not deform in any way its acoustic properties! So, I believe that you may frame it without any front cover or sheet!
Can you send some to Portugal? :P
my only concern is that you inadvertently create a resonant chamber with the frame

- the frame will essentially be a boxed cavity which will have a resonance at a particular freq or freqs (dimensions of the internal walls of the box will be at the wavelength, 1/2 wavelength, etc of a range of frequencies) in addition to the dispersion characteristics of the foam, so you may end up with both a trap and a disperser as a result.....
There is two schools of thinking on this and I don't think that it has been proven one way or the other conclusively.
a) School A claims that the sides also absorb and therefore it will loose some of its absorption qualities
b) School B says this loss is so little the it is almost non existent

I would say that there is a lot of evidence for school B's thoughts
Now, let me add to the issue:

What if I were building temporary walls, to make a listening space that I could put up and tear down on a per-session basis. If I made frames, what would be the best backing for the frames to attach the pads to? Would it matter?

Thx for the input, people.
3/4" plywood - solid, stiff (low resonance at high frequencies), etc. Make sure to apply several layers of varnish/laquer, in the event that you want to turn them inside out and use them as reflectors to make the space "live"
YOu mean varnish the plywood? And that by simply turning the walls around, it would be like not having the treatment...ish?
not so much not having the treatment as you make it so that it is both a reflective and diffusive set of surfaces which you can then use for creating custom recording environments.......

still concerned that the frames/boxes would act as nice resonators for low freqs