FL STUDIO Pattern organization


New member
I have a hard time understand how to keep patterns organized. What I mean is that you create something in one pattern and then you go to pattern two, then 3 etc. It's just hard to keep organizing what are some good tips to keep organized. It's so different from other DAWs. I just feel like you can do everything in one pattern and paste it in the playlist. I always open demo projects from FL studio and see people with like 60 patterns. It just seems so outrageous to have so many patterns. So any tips could be helpful or videos. I just want to have a easy workflow.
When using patterns, if you paste two of the same on the playlist, you can click that little square at the top left part of the pattern and choose the option to individualize it. Then it'll create a [pattern name here] #2, where you can change whatever you want. So, you'll have the same instrument (or instruments) playing over different patterns.

In the playlist, I normally stick to one line per instrument, and the line (or lines below it) are meant for the automations (if there are automations).

For example, on line one I have the patterns Drums, Drums #2, Drums #3 and so on. On line two, any kind of automation and so on.
I bet this post will sound stupid sometimes, but I'll just mention everything in case you've missed something!

Some hacks:

Instead of using "create new pattern" each time, learn to select "copy pattern" and "insert pattern", that way you can keep it a lot more organized.
The "copy pattern" selection will create a copy of it after the original one in the list, so you can just quickly adjust instead of having to create a new and then copy a bunch of stuff, and then having different patterns all over the place.
And the "insert pattern" selection sends an empty pattern above the one you were on before.

And by managing it this way, you can create your own groups of patterns, and divide them your own way (I use empty patterns labeled "SYNTH", "BEAT", "EFFECTS" etc to separate different types of sounds in the patternlist and more quickly find the sound I'm after).
Or you can simply create your own system to increase your workflow.

You can also quickly copy a patternscore or a pianoroll melody by clicking on one of the empty vertical lines in the patternlist, which will then be highlighted in green. If you click on it again, everything in the patternlist will be highlighted. And you can also click and drag a selection of sounds.
Then you can copy it (CTRL C) and paste it in a new pattern (CTRL V).
But then make sure that the same vertical line is selected, or you'll paste the score on a different sound.

In the playlist, don't forget the possibility to use the draw tool, which lets you draw a line of the selected pattern, making it a lot faster.
Or you can quickly mark a desired area by holding CTRL, clicking the left mousebutton and dragging, and then duplicate it by holding Shift and dragging.
When using patterns, if you paste two of the same on the playlist, you can click that little square at the top left part of the pattern and choose the option to individualize it. Then it'll create a [pattern name here] #2, where you can change whatever you want. So, you'll have the same instrument (or instruments) playing over different patterns.

In the playlist, I normally stick to one line per instrument, and the line (or lines below it) are meant for the automations (if there are automations).

For example, on line one I have the patterns Drums, Drums #2, Drums #3 and so on. On line two, any kind of automation and so on.

Thanks that actually answers my question!!!!
The beauty of making separate patterns is for organization. You can clearly see which tracks to automate volume/panning/effects. I understand though, i can get pretty crazy with multiple drum patterns, tons of random patterns and a melodies. >.<
The beauty of making separate patterns is for organization. You can clearly see which tracks to automate volume/panning/effects. I understand though, i can get pretty crazy with multiple drum patterns, tons of random patterns and a melodies. >.<

LOL it's sooo annoying!!! But I got it!!! the above tips helped me out a lot...