FL Studio automation?


Loudness Warrior
Ok, for the longest time I've wondered: when you're automating in FL Studio, is there a way to adjust the amount by 1% at a time? When I automate it will go from say, 90% to 87% as the smallest decreasing increment. Is there a way to get smaller increments?
If you are automating with your mouse (hitting record and turning a knob with your mouse) you can hold CTRL and turn the knob and it will go in small increments, i dont think you can do this if you are using a midi knob to record the automation though.
Im not sure, do you mean dragging the little marker dots in an automation clip? that seems to go in 1% increments for me.:hmmm:
You know, i just noticed some of the dots like the main middle ones go in 2% increments for me also. I dont know why it does this, it doesnt seem like a big deal but it is kind of annoying. Ill keep looking into it.
awesome. yeah I've been looking around too for some answers. It's not that it's a huge deal per say I would get the absolute perfect mixes though if I could get it to 1. I always find that when there's a section I want to crescendo to bring it out I can't get turn it up without making it too loud or dramatic. Whatever, I'll look around too.