Etiquette for Sending Music

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Well, after several rounds of the Future Producer's Challenge, I've noticed that people on the internet DO NOT BOTHER to read instructions and some just don't plain know the proper etiquette for sending song submissions.

Honestly, some of these things I wouldn't have realized either if I wasn't on the receiving end so here it is:

5 Tips for Properly Emailing Song Submissions

When reviewing multiple songs, from dozens to hundreds of people, a quick workflow makes this process enjoyable rather than a strenuous task. With that said, it helps if people would stick to guidelines for submissions.

1) Always read and follow carefully the instructions and details for an email submission.

2) Always introduce yourself and include contact information.
The person may not read any of your opening introduction, but how are they going to know who to contact 5 months down the line when your song is ready for a national radio campaign?

3) Always label a track with your name & what the project is for if not otherwise instructed If you're receiving a plethora of tracks per day going through 15 "Beat 13349" or "Inception by Rape" randomly named tracks makes it difficult for the owners of the tracks to be tracked down.

4) Never spam the recipient's email box.
This means no mailing list sign-ups, 15 versions of the track you want to send(unless asked for), multiple requests for receipt of submission, and general annoying behavior. These things just cloud up space for the true submissions making it difficult for the recipient to listen to yours and others, and may discourage that recipient from bothering with the process in the future.

5) Never send large files(unless asked for).
Many recipients are listening to these submissions quickly, on spotty wi-fi in airports, or may need to download your submission for quick recording. This includes large cumbersome zip folders. If someone asks for a short MP3, don't send them a 100MB .rar. See Rule 1. Data storage is getting cheaper and cheaper, but this is not an excuse to go overboard. Maybe in the future, when everyone has instant download capability to their brains.
Even then, See Rule 1.

Feel free to add anything you've come across.....:cheers:


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Great post.

I am guilty of number 3. Donno why I never thought of doing that.

& lmao at "inception by rape"
I make a concerted effort to label all my files as follows:

Beat Title (Prod. Ben Walker ___bpm).

Naming the file that way is also my way of saying to myself I've finished a beat lol, once I've labelled it properly I leave it and go onto the next one - good way to give yourself closure!
I make a concerted effort to label all my files as follows:

Beat Title (Prod. Ben Walker ___bpm).

Naming the file that way is also my way of saying to myself I've finished a beat lol, once I've labelled it properly I leave it and go onto the next one - good way to give yourself closure!

Good idea! I cringe at the amount of 8 bar projects I have, or the fully sequenced but uninspired projects.
Id like to add from a artist perspective that lots of beats i get on this forum...

are slammed to the limit leaving no headroom for me to work with / mix in my vocals. ( if you send me a beat and want me to spit on it please leave 3 to 6 dbs of headroom)

BPM.....please people when your done with a track right click on the file go to properties and add the bpm info! this helps tons for recording artist!
For those who use Logic its always good to take advantage of using the ip3 tags I believe its called. Lets you put all of that information in the track before you bounce it..tempo, website, what key,etc...
Id like to add from a artist perspective that lots of beats i get on this forum...

are slammed to the limit leaving no headroom for me to work with / mix in my vocals. ( if you send me a beat and want me to spit on it please leave 3 to 6 dbs of headroom)

BPM.....please people when your done with a track right click on the file go to properties and add the bpm info! this helps tons for recording artist!

That is a good point! I usually make all my beats a few db below norm and even cut my eq around 2khz so that the artists voice will be more prominent and blend better in the final mix. Remember, the track will be mixed after the lyrics are added, keep that in mind when you mix your beats down ;)

---------- Post added at 06:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:07 AM ----------

For those who use Logic its always good to take advantage of using the ip3 tags I believe its called. Lets you put all of that information in the track before you bounce it..tempo, website, what key,etc...

Your on the right track lol! Its ID3 tags and most music editor's that I have used (Logic, Reason, Acid, Pro-Tools, etc..) have some form of ID3 tag editor. For instance, Acid will let you edit your tags when you begin a new project in that window that appears asking you for your track information!
wait a min there's proper etiquette? (jk)
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Glad I found this site already and not in 2 years!
I just sold my first 2 beats and I was guilty of number 3 (OF COURSE)
and number 5

oh yeah and thnaks for the tip with the headroom!but see on the other side from producers perspective, you have to make it loud in order to keep up with the competition you know? if you would skip through a bunch of beats and they're all the same volume and then you would stumble over a beat which has a lower volume you would already think there's a lack in qualitiy since that particular beat doesn't fit the standards you know?
SO I guess you have to be LOUD in public, but if you send the beat to an artist you have to leave them some headroom!

ANYWAYS thanks for this thread! who knows how long I would've kept on going with making the same mistakes over and over AGAIN ;)
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Good Info. Im gonna start labeling my tracks with my name and number
Good Advice

I always try to give short one sentence descriptions of the style of the beat, possibly which artists it could work for BUT NEVER COMPARE IT TO ANOTHER SONG OR ANOTHER PRODUCERS STYLE
Much of this is common sense, but we can all still learn from it. Thanks!
Haha so I'm guessing I shouldn't include my two paragraph mission statement in emails?
Haha so I'm guessing I shouldn't include my two paragraph mission statement in emails?

just shorten it down a or two lines.. short phrases....not sentences maybe... I think a mission statement is my situation for sure as I will only be selling to christian acts...
they can read my bio on myspace which I need to add lol