DAWs with similar workflow to Reason (to rewire Reason)

Not a personal quarrel at all. I thought, and still think, the dude is completely wrong... and is trying to call me out on some totally baseless shit... and tried to to toot his own horn (no homo) by randomly bringing up his mastering template or whatever... but I'll be the first to admit this man has contributed a lot to these forums and probably helped a lot of people out in some way or another. I've got nothing personal against him at all.

But I still dont get what he is talking about. He's using the word "factual" a lot... but I have no idea what that word is supposed to mean in the context that he uses it.

I'm just saying, deranged, you made a pretty bold claim: That you somehow magically know the exact, specific method that I use to streamline the integration of Live and Reason, despite the fact that you've never seen me do it or even seen me describe it in detail, and that you know it doesn't work as well as VSTs because you have a "friend" who demonstrated this to you.

What am I saying is that I have no idea what you know or don't know, but what I KNOW is that I use both Reason rewired to Live AND VSTs within Live damn near EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE (no "friend" required)... and I'm saying that, using my specific method, I find ReWire EASIER AND FASTER overall than VSTs.

End of story.

And what I found ironic about it is that you are doing the EXACT same thing you accuse me of... I'm accused of saying you can only have your opinion due to not knowing about ReWire, and you basically said the same thing about me: that my opinion is based on the fact that I'm doing something wrong with my VSTs.

The only difference is, you got super defensive and acted like you know everything about everything and there is simply no way that there could be something you dont know, and I, IN ALL SINCERITY, asked you to tell me what it is I might be doing wrong with VSTs. I am well aware of the fact that I still have plenty of learn, and, NO SARCASM, I would love for you to tell me if you think there is something I dont know because maybe it might actually help make my life easier!
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I never tried to "call you out" on anything.

I don't get the people who say that rewire is too much of a "hassle" or whatever. If you take 10 minutes the first time you use it to set up a template default rack and a few presets for the EXTERNAL INSTRUMENT in Live, it couldn't be easier! I actually PREFER it to my VSTs.

This was your response to my post. I went on to explian while I can understand all the reasons in the world rewire can work for others, there's tons it doesn't work for. You went on to say(paraphrasing0"you don't do it right, because it works for me, and you don't know how it works for me".

THERE ARE 100% FACTUAL steps and functions to rewiring in Live or any program because of how the program is written. All I've said is these steps have all the workaround methods in the world, but are still steps that make me sway from using Rewire. I didn't say Rewiring was wrong for everyone. I rewired in Pro Tools, FL, and Sonar for years of my life(not bragging, have to clarify, because you'll convince me I am next post). This discussion was never about me or my preference. When I point out things to give clarity to the idea I'm not some guy who's just talking out of his azz, you treat it as iff I'm pushing my "accomplishments" down your throat(template patches? really?). All I was pointing out, is I'm aware of how to open a program with a predetermined setup to make beginning work easier and have made a template that others use the same. You could put your Live Rewire template out there nothing to brag about, I'm kinda offended someone would take that as me shoving "accomplishments" in their face. If I come off as that pompous, I apologize. That's something lost in the type over the net. I didn't make a dime from that patch. no one walks up to me and says "hey I know you, you made a kick azz Reason template sign my wife's breast for me, you rock". lol. :cheers:

I'm not trying to hate or start an e-beef... to each his own. I understand where your opinion is coming from, I just think maybe you don't know cuz 1) you're not using ableton live (in my opinion the easiest DAW for ReWire) and 2) you haven't planned ahead to set up the presets/templates in advance. Again, I'm not trying to call you ignorant or anything (I know how easily things can get misconstrued on the net), I'm just throwing my opinion out there.
^re-read the post homie. How many times in it did I say I wasn't trying to hate on your opinion or call you ignorant?? You're entitled to your opinion, but you aren't gonna change mine that you just aren't familiar with what I'm talking about.

You continuously say "I can't know what I'm talking about". In relation to rewire, I absolutely do. I could practically write a code for it. Lol. I don't know many things at all. One of the few things I know every in and out of is Reason and Rewiring.

You're trying to convince me I don't know how to run things that would make Rewire "easier" and "faster". I've simply told you from start it's not my preference. You've told me I don't know my preference until I try your way. i've told you regardless of your way there are unavoidable steps to rewiring that turn me away from it like having to save a seperate .RSN file for the Reason patches you've used in your song that you later have to reopen while reopening the rest of your session in your host DAW. 100% factually unavoidable and my BIGGEST turn off from rewiring.

I get that with a template you can have everything in place where all you have to do is start live, then start Reason and go to work. Then I brought up that if I decide halfway thru a song I'm not gonna use Reason, i'm looking at empty tracks. Ever think maybe I'm OSD and that could f**k my workflow up? lol. i've gotta get rid of all that then just to be at peace. I've often whined on this board how much Props screwed me up going from Reason 3 to 4 and taking away the auto-coloring functions. That took me a long time to get around. Just to give perspective into why what works for you can easily not work for ME.

I woulda had no problem if you left out all the "you can't know what you're talking about" stuff. I can easily know what I'm talking about and not have to delve any further in because of the foundation of Rewiring containing the factors that makes me avoid it.

I don't have to walk in your house to know I don't like it if I don't want an attic and I can see yours from outside. :cheers:

No beef, no probs, my last response in this thread. I sincerely apologize to anyone who was turned away by all of our back and forth. I just thought we were having a healthy and civil discussion with opposing views, but I got a PM that let me know I was hindering others from learning in this thread and that's the last thing I'd want to do.

Call it copping out because I know I'm wrong or whatever. Who cares, it's just the net. I'll be as wrong as they come so the thread can move on.
I just assumed it was understood that anything I said is just my own opinion... I'm not God just spitting out universal truths.

And maybe I will make that video next week when I get back from the beach... I'll have to just cell phone tape my screen though, because I don't know of any free screen capture software!!
Ableton Live would be the best DAW to rewire Reason into if you understand the work flow of Ableton Live. For a person who never used Ableton and wants to get started working immediately...nothing beats Reason 6 for a previous Reason user. I mean if a person has reason 6 then they definitely have no reason to be rewiring anyway IMO. But it will set you back for a while trying to figure out Ableton Live and you might get discouraged with it......and have it collecting dust as a lot of people have said. Using Ableton Live you have to be prepare to learn. It does guide you through the learning process though. It's a piece of cake once you understand it though. You might fiend to have an MPD or something after you learn it. Hell..you might get your Arab on....quantize live and never be off beat...fronting like your timing is on point like that on stage....just beat the pads as fast as you can....it will still be on beat.
For anyone looking to learn live Dubspot has a great free tutorial series called Live 30/30 it gives you 3 free courses for using live one for producing, one for djing and one remixing and they all are pretty good to get you started. If you have ever used a DAW I think with a little bit of changing how you think Live isn't super hard to pick up on but it does have its own way of doing things.
I'm looking to move from Reason to a DAW for VST support, so I've been looking for something with a similar workflow (plus scoring) and I was hoping this thread would have some good suggestions. Then it turned into this.

Why do all threads ever created anywhere since the invention of the internet become exactly like this thread?
I'm looking to move from Reason to a DAW for VST support, so I've been looking for something with a similar workflow (plus scoring) and I was hoping this thread would have some good suggestions. Then it turned into this.

Why do all threads ever created anywhere since the invention of the internet become exactly like this thread?

I know right? How dare we DISCUSS things on a DISCUSSION forum!
In person I hope this would turn in one massive FP jam.
Now there's an idea, I probably need to haul my ass to America than, right? ;)
So, when's the date?