Classic RnB Beat *Rainy Days* (Feed4Feed)


New member
What's up guys?

I just released a new RnB beat which has a classic sound instead of this new Synth line type of instrumental!
It's being a while since I made any RnB beats so I'd like to ask you to take a listen to this one and give me an honest feedback on the overall production!

Just as usually, I return all the feedbacks! Feel free to like and comment the track as well.

Thank you guys!

Chord progression is dope, instrumentation is real nice.
Two things i picked out, which arnt major issues:

I would say your drums sound alittle static, could do with a subtle shaker or hi hats, it sounds like you've intentionally done this to begin with but when the shaker comes in, i still don't think its constant enough. As well as this i think putting abit of reverb on the rimshot will also help it sink into the beat abit better.

Secondly, maybe just some simple Pads in the back of the hook to make it sound abit bigger, could work.

Hope this helps.
Good work.
Return it:
First of all imma let you know the mix is exceptional man, my main issue with the track is it's too robotic, the drums have no groove at all there quantized and stiff, you could do with a harder hitting kick drum that snare could do with a little reverb, and then some off beat hats would loosen the track up a bit, It is really well composed, and instrumentation used is well chosen. I feel like for an rnb track it's also missing a little bit of percussion, and the progression of the track is too stiff. It's like two bars add new synth two bars add another two bars take out one sort of thing, loosen it up a bit play around with different lengths etc.

It's really got a lot of potential my man, well done.

Feedback returned would be appreciated
the drums need to have some swing behind them, also that (clave?) is abit loud. the snare needs reverb and the kick gotta come in harder. i really love the instruments u used, maybe accent some of them with more agressive reverb, eq to add warmth to some of those chords.. then overall, just go alittle bit more agressive in the master compression or w.e u do for mastering that accomplishes a similar job.
I'd like to say thank you for all of the positive feedbacks! I take every advice and I will make my beats better next time! Thank you and keep the comments coming!