Beginners Question answered : Do I need good speakers or can I use headphones?

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I always asked this to myself, i'm just starting, and i need to get some new stuff

Here’s a simple, quick example: Let’s say you’re recording some hip-hop and want the trademark heavy bass. You’re using Reason or FL to create a beat. You start with a string line that’s been in your head for days. All is well so far. You then put down a nice, crisp hi-hat. Still fine. Now you move on to an 808 kick/bass sound. You hear it, but it doesn’t push well, so you turn it up. It still doesn’t sound like it does in your head, so you crank 60 or 80 Hz up a few decibels. Still not enough. You crank it a little more. It gets a little louder, but you heard a little crackle of distortion, so you back it off until it sounds clean, then you move on to your snare. Fast forward now to a point where you love the beat and you want to cruise around in your car and critique and enjoy it. You pop it in, turn it up and BLAM! distortion and HUGE, OVERPOWERING BASS EVERYWHERE! Obviously, this is not acceptable. This is caused by your tiny laptop speakers’ inability to produce bass, making you turn it up louder than it should be.

omg…I'm still suffering from this lol.
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I have headphones but i agree when i listen to anything i made on other devices ít doesn't sound as good for me as it does with headphones
I've been working with my headphones which are Sennheiser 380 HD Pro, and also Alesis M1 Active 320 USB monitors that were given to me, I'm thinking about grabbing some Rockets or something, should I upgrade considering it wouldn't be too expensive or is what I have good for now considering I'm just starting out?
Best way to keep track of frequencies is with high def speakers , headphones are good for producing if you have a mobile set but i recommend you good speakers for the mix process and master.
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