ASK ME ANYTHING (about music u dummy!)

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Wallbangerz said:

I rushed that post but yes that is correct. I meant to say that the biggest record the Fatback Band ever had was Backstrokin'. And yes Rappers Delight was at the time considered the Raps first crossover record! HAHAH! did say that. Mr. Bang-A-Whore India was just in a hurry to flex his trivia prowess!

(i'm just jealous of the chick in his avatar, so i'm hating!)
Producer2005 said:


so wallbangerz... i here word of a new beat battle leauge season cummin up... will u be participatin'?

Mos Def. Keep Me posted. I'm with it!!
j.troup said: did say that. Mr. Bang-A-Whore India was just in a hurry to flex his trivia prowess!

(i'm just jealous of the chick in his avatar, so i'm hating!)
Some cats have a ll the fun!!
quick question with Reason 3.0.... how do you get those double timing drums rolls? I guess u can call it almost "rapid" fire... i kno on a MPC if u hold down the pad it make the TATATATATATATAT sound (im sorry that how i think it came out haha) but i dunno how to do that in Reason... any help?
Mister Encore said:
quick question with Reason 3.0.... how do you get those double timing drums rolls? I guess u can call it almost "rapid" fire... i kno on a MPC if u hold down the pad it make the TATATATATATATAT sound (im sorry that how i think it came out haha) but i dunno how to do that in Reason... any help?

That is THE ONLY THING that the MPC has on REASON. LOL.. I have an MPC locked up to my computer all the time. Whever I start Reason, the MPC starts. If the tempos are the same, I can use the pads on the MPC but it records in Reason.

NOW: If you don't have an MPC available to do that, the next best thing is to use the pattern sequencer in that section. U can set the pattern to play back in 16th timing all the way up to 64th.
Mister Encore said:
quick question with Reason 3.0.... how do you get those double timing drums rolls? I guess u can call it almost "rapid" fire... i kno on a MPC if u hold down the pad it make the TATATATATATATAT sound (im sorry that how i think it came out haha) but i dunno how to do that in Reason... any help?

The way I do it is I just turn the flam all the way up and apply it to the works.
I've tried using flam, I don't get a great sound doing it. I usually put it at 1/36 resolution and mess around with 2 drum velocities. But still...the sound isn't authentic. I've been wondering how to get a good snare roll out of the redrum. Any other suggestions?
which MPC you got? I'm looking formard to hooking up my 2000XL with Reason and use my Yamaha for the keys.
wallz... first up... much resect. Now on to the business.

Im looking for a site where I can look up any musics prodcution credits.

For instance, in film, there is the IMDB(internet movie database).It lists all credits and reviews associated with a particular movie.

Is there a similar site for music?


1 more question... can u use Waves Diamond Bundle With REASON 3.0? if so how?
Mister Encore said:
1 more question... can u use Waves Diamond Bundle With REASON 3.0? if so how?

You can use waves or any other plug in for that matter if you ReWire Reason to a third-party Audio software such as Pro-Tools, Nuendo, Cubase, Sonar etc...
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853 repleys in this thread wallbangerz!!!!!!!

your a genious!!!!
It pays to read big doggz! I guess having years of experience can't hurt too much either...

what i wanna know is what type of setup were you using b4 u discovered reason and what happend to yo soundclick i was feelin that lil 15 yr old chick, that was some good music i heard u got jacked or something but i wanna hear some more **** like dat.1
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wuddup wall.... this is my last question for awhile lol.... do u kno how to Rewire Reason with Cubase SX 3?

its mad confusing and i cant find a GOOD explanation on how to do it
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