As far as hip-hop goes, soulful music is superior to everything else.

Amy and Adele are excellent examples of struggle, hardship and heartbreak music, very well written soulful vocals that convey mood and capture the essence of a certain kind of feeling that most have felt or at the very very least understand and appreciate.

Blue-eyed soul. Yea some good music in Britain. Adele got some nice tracks music
blues, soul, funk, jazz all those elements are missing in today's hip-hop beats

I guess. But hip-hop is so broad these days. There is Blues, Soul, Funk, and Jazz in certain records. Those records are not on most Hip-Hop/R&B radio stations, but artists are still making hip-hop with that vibe.

YouTube has exposed me to a lot of crazy and dope new music. Please search and share. Do not give up hope.