Anybody worried about not being able to sample anymore?


New member
I ask this because it seems as tho more and more files (mp3/wav/videos) are being protected these days. I got into this game a while ago, but never got into sampling off vinyl like some old school cats. All my cuts are taken from videos and/or music files I come across now - much easier i guess, basically Recycle and my MPD18. My main question is: what's in place for us if we can't chop these anymore? Got me a little scared since I'm a beat junkie. Music is my medicine, and I can't lose it! Your thoughts?
I think you're ok if you don't make money from the music. I think we've reached the point now where all music for profit needs to be original.
you could just run an analog line out from your computer into any protection cant stop you from recording an analog signal...

even if they make "youtube to mp3" type sites stop, you could do the same thing to rip songs from there too...
man if youre unknown just make your beats your good. Hell make songs.....but when your a major artists distributing a retail album with sample work, thats when people get money hungry.

Its a hard thing cause like, your taking someone elses shit, and making it something new, but without their shit, you couldnt do it. KRIT was talking about this, says the future of sampling in commercial music looks grim.
Go get yourself a free copy of Audacity, turn the 'mic input' to 'Stereo Mix,' and use it to grab parts of protected files.

Sampling's not going anywhere. As long as enough people want to keep doing it, as long as we realize that we CAN change the music business, as long as we realize that some fat cat sitting in a penthouse office at Capitol Records is an example of a way of doing music biz that's doomeder than the dinosaurs, then we will see:

We live in perhaps the most exciting time for the music business since the phonograph came out.

When the powers that be figure out their copyright laws are unenforceable, restrictive, and bad for business, they will change. I fully expect a golden age of free, legal, sample-able music.

If nothing, capitalism will kill the cat. Under current law, you cant sell anything you make with samples. So sampled music is free, and 'regular music' costs money. If I'm like most music lovers, I'll take the free shit, and go pirate the paid stuff. When it comes time to do some budget reports--youre a sampling producer! You work in a Kinko's or a bar, since you had to make money and you couldnt sell your music. Traditional labels suddenly fall apart because theres no way they can compete with people who would and DO practice their craft every single day for free.

Get excited.

---------- Post added at 11:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 AM ----------

Under current law, you cant sell anythig you make with unlicensed samples
The whole thing about not being allowed to sample and having to get clearance is just retarded in my opinion. It's not like sampling anyones shit will bring them less income. If anything getting your shit sampled helps you by bringing more attention to your music.
MindFusion, I couldn't agree more.

If all the sampling types in the world got together and collectively said "we're gonna sample it and you're not going to say a damn word about it" to all the copyright snobs then,


we'd be free to do so as we pleased.
Nomatter what you do a protected file is still a protected file. If even a second of a sample is recognizable, you can be sued for it. So running it to analog sources doesn't protect you, not sure where you got that idea.

With that said, do what you want. Sample what you want. Have fun making music you like and when it pays off, make sure the guy offering compensation for your track recognizes that there's a sample in it before you move forward.

People get sued for rapping over other instrumentals for mixtapes now. They get sued for melodies sounding too much like someone else's. No one is safe. Music 101...when you get money/fame, people show up wanting to take a piece of you. Sample or no sample someone will have a reason. Until that day, just have fun doing what you love.
Do whatchu gotta do to make a hit and pay who you gotta pay in the aftermath. The stories you hear about cats gettin' sued for samples are mostly cus they got successful and greedy and then tried to get amnesia when they had the money and resources to pay the people who owned the songs they sampled. Don't B like them lol
mayn fux that If it makes sound I sample that shit no copyright has ever stopped me just press record and chop that dude. rrrrrah
MindFusion, I couldn't agree more.

If all the sampling types in the world got together and collectively said "we're gonna sample it and you're not going to say a damn word about it" to all the copyright snobs then,


we'd be free to do so as we pleased.
Is it really snobbish to say that I want money for something you are using that I created? As a guy that used to sample full time I have to highly disagree with this statement. There are too many loop libraries that can be sampled many of which are dope as hell if you have beef with clearances. For me I sampled for tonal reasons. I didn't have the sounds that I wanted so I sampled them. Now I am starting to find more and more dope stuff that sounds how I want it to and I find myself not wanting to sample anymore. But beyond that looping someone elses bass line that they took 10 years to learn and not pay them for it seems crazy in that respect when you are making often times more money off of the new song than they made off of the original.
^^^Totally agree. Only issue I have with current legalities to sampling is, the labels own alot of that stuff now, so even when they get paid, the original composer doesn't.

Great documentary on all of this.

Go to 33:16 crazy!
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^^^Totally agree. Only issue I have with current legalities to sampling is, the labels own alot of that stuff now, so even when they get paid, the original composer doesn't.

Great documentary on all of this.

Go to 33:16 crazy!

I've seen that vid many times and I totally agree. Then again to me its no different than the guy who works at say Native Instruments comes up with an amazing idea for a great Kontakt library turns out to be the highest selling Kontakt library of all time and he gets his regular paycheck and laid off in 3 months for example. They put up the money to create your content and then own it when you are done. I think you deal with labels to a certain point get your money and go indie. You make more money that way because you are cutting all of the hands out of your pockets. You just don't get the exposure major label artists do.
Oh whoops. I meant that using Audacity or something can help you if theres some kind of digital protection on the file.

I know it doesn't change the legality of using a particular sample.

But I sense a little of Gandhi's attitude here would he helpful. I don't want sampled music to go away, so I'm gonna keep making it, and they can sue me take all nine of my dimes if they want. I'll keep right on doing my thing.
You know I have heard this argument many times before in the PAST and sampling much like Hiphop is still here!!! You don't want to get sued then pay for what you use!!! you don't want to be sued then get creative!! in this day and time who really use's a whole loop? with all the hardware and software products that can chop it up why would you bother? yes records will always be the foundation of Hip Hop and that will never change! I don't care where you get the mp3s from it all comes back to wax!! For all the new catts doing this more power to you but I wouldn't trade my records for your youtube/blog/mp3s or any other source of where you get your music from!! I will take my records smells and all... You can mangle sounds so much and or recreate them in a way that nobody (well maybe some of us) will know what it is..People claim they love music and it's thier life well then do what ever it is you have to do to make that heat!!..Like I previously stated Sampling aint going no where! and folks need to stop always sounding the DEATH of Hip Hop by trying to take out one of it's major componets lol because it has evolved to be much more than that. Excuse the ranting but being around this music and enjoying what it has done for me makes me want not only want but have to defend it on any level! I understand that things have changed from the early 70s until now but the one thing that will never change and that is "GOOD MUSIC" (no plug for kanye) never dies!! So keep coming for us by way of laws and order and we will still be here in one form or another!!!..