13" MacBook sufficient for Pro Tools 9 or will I be limiting myself?


New member
Thinking about going with either Pro Tools 9 or Logic 9. I'm studying Pro Tools in school and it seems like a good option. Then again I hear a lot of good about Logic Pro 9. I think the deciding factor may be my laptop: 13" Macbook 2.4 ghrz Intel Core Duo, 4 Gig RAM, Upgraded HD. If Pro Tools is going very processor heavy, especially adding more tracks, effects, plugins, then I might go Logic Pro.

Any insight appreciated.
I have the 2.7 ghrz 13" Mac pro running Pro Tools 9 and I've had no trouble with it. It runs smooth, haven't had to force crash it yet, so to answer your question, Pro Tools will work fine.
You'll be fine but you will love doubling your ram or at least going to 6gb. I make all my music on a 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo with 2 GB of ram. Going to get an Air in the future but I do more vocals and processing then beats these days. Actually looking to pick up PT9 M powered.
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