What chords fit my scale?

I'm preparing a much larger database of scales from around the world - 605 unique scale forms, 2743 named scales

release date some time in February (I hope - too many projects competing for my attention at the moment)

of course the more interesting question is which scale fits my chord, for which I can share a specific chart put together for my grade 9-12 students (that's of all high school in the USA)
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A scale might not maintain across a song or even a verse or chorus.

FYI - Sorry, I can't post links just yet, that's why I described how to get to the the following link.

If you go to my website, ValliSoftware.com and select
from the right menu under Current MacOSX Applications
the menu item Scale Suggestor
then from the next page from the right menu under TOPICS
the menu item MIDI Phrases

I show how software can't always detect the right scale, but with help from a human ear, it can.
The chorus in the above example, after I listen to it, I split the chorus in two (where the chords changed) and found several scales at the same name but in different keys for the chorus in question.

If you were to apply chords from a scale, you would never come up with that cool chord change for the chorus in the above link sample because they don't share the same scale/key.

Work in chords first, then use a program like Scale Suggestor to get scale/key combinations to apply melody/leads.
Not sure if anyones said it yet, but has anyone tried Guitar Pro? There is a scale and chord finder on that which can't be matched. Paired with the compositional aspect, it's awesome for beginners or any skill level.
Whats important in order to make music stand out is the useage of chords that are not technicaly in a given scale in order to create that harmonic tention.

Check out some of the piano loops samples on my page.
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