1 5 6 4 Chord Prog in the minor key?


New member
Hi, What I know what the 1 5 6 4 chord progression is in the major key, say for example were in the key c major, what would it be in the key of c minor?

Does the chord progression stay the same or does it change when it goes into a minor key?
Ah ok, it doesen't matter what chord prog you use in a major key it stays the same in a minor key?
It will not stay the same. C major have all white keys. C natural minor have 3 keys, Eb Ab and Bb that are not part of c major. However the Relative minor to C major is A minor....1564 in c major will be C-G-Am-F
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Oh yeah I know, I mean the numbers will stay the same so the I-V-vi-IV will stay the same
Not necessarily....

In C minor the chords built on the degrees of the scale are as follows (note that I am deliberately ignoring the natural minor as it has the same chords as its relative major)
DegreeChord typeRoman Numeral chordEx in C minor

So the progression would become i-V-[sup]b[/sup]VI-iv, demonstrating the change of chord type and relative position within the harmonic minor scale