My mastering plugin is playing up


I use Maximus as a multiband compressor and I think it's awesome. But recently it randomly decided to start boosting volume of tracks by literally 4-5dB when it's on default settings. I put it on a mastered track on default settings and it clips like hell and I have no idea why it's doing this... It should be doing absolutely nothing.
By "default" do you mean the preset Maximus is at when you load it on the channel, or is it when you go to the presetlist and select default? Because until FL 12 (unless it's still that way) Maximus loads up with a preset enabled that sounds pretty horrible, not sure if that is what you're referring to. Otherwise I'm not sure why.
Yeah I know the preset you're referring to, the amount of compression on it is ridiculous. But that's not it, i literally go in it, set everything to default so there's no compression/limiting and it makes a professionally mastered track clip like hell. I tried reinstalling it but it did nothing. Super frustrating.
some troubleshooting by long distance

can you bypass it and eliminate the problem? (don't remove it, bypass it)
I turned all of the compressors off and it still does it. I turn off the actual plugin but it still remains as an insert - it stops clipping

So it obviously isn't my DAW, just the plugin itself. No idea why it's doing this...
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Maximus isn't in linear phase mode by default. Seeing if switching to linear phase does anything (there is a little arrow somewhere on the pluy that allows you to do this).
screen-shots of what it looks like with each compressor on/off and the linear phase button in/out - I mean the maximus screens not your audio waveform
screen-shots of what it looks like with each compressor on/off and the linear phase button in/out - I mean the maximus screens not your audio waveform

As you can see, this is photos of maximus without the compressors on, maximus with the compressors on, and then instead trying it with a different limiter and seeing if it did it. As you can see, the other limiter doesn't affect it.. And yes, all compressors were turned on/off.
maximus.pngmaximus 3.pngmaximus 2.png
do that again but this time make sure that you click in the off radio button for all 3 compressor bands and then report your results - i.e. clicking "comp off" may not turn off all "features" in the plugin
Not sure if this were the problem, but on the third image you see that you have limiting engaged on the Maximus. If you want the plugin to be 100 % passive you need to edit the graph curve to the right so it's a steady diagonal all the way up to the right. Do this on all 4 bands.

This shouldn't be any problem if you start using proper gainstaging and not blasting the audio into the plugin.
It was engaged but sitting at 0dB, just like the fruity limiter. I've used this plugin a lot so I know what it's been like before when I set it to default and it doesn't do this. And bandcoach - I indeed did turn them all off on all 3 bands in that photo, I just didn't know if it was necessary or not to screenshot all bands..
also turn it off on the master channel - but note, use the off option not the comp off option