Getting into the jingle/commercial business


New member
I have been trying to get into the radio advertisement part of the business lately. I want to supply companies with an instrumental in the background while someone talks about the company and it's product over the top of it. I have done two so far but I'm having problems on approaching the companies. What kind of approach would you all recommend to the companies and what kind of companies would you approach?
You would be better placed to access the companies that prepare and place the ads rather than the business that buys the ad - advertising agencies are far better placed to link you with products that need music than directly approaching companies. However, as with most parts of the business, knowing someone is the first step to getting in the door....
Augiojungle is a good site if you want your music placed in ads. It's a royalty-free site but I know ad agencies buy music from there. I never got much into it though and had my account deleted from there cause you pretty much have to have corporate type music to sell there