Momma i'm gay


New member
When Macklemore and Young Thug were accused of trying to hijack rap with their gay agendas, many people claimed it was just homophobia. Now Daylyt with his homo thug comedic approach. Fukers got me working overtime trying to steer my young cousins with positive Black role models:

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Who told this nigga he could set foot inside a studio?

That's the gift and the curse of technology and pro tools. Any clown can record in the confines of his home then release it through the filterless internet where anyone can their 5 minutes of fame.
I do find this funny yet sad at the same time as the reality is far from hilarious.

He has potential as a parody artist sorta like a hip hop weird Al yankovic. I thought "Naked with a Shotgun" was hilarious. Ever since he made that comment, he wanted to sex P Diddy, people have been wondering if he's just joking. I dont care personally I was just venting because I do have to police my younger cousins music sometimes. However I do feel like he's glamorizing the lifestyle a little and encouraging this behavior in hip hop for others to come out and express their sexuality. I'm with Clinton on this. dont' ask, don't tell. When I was younger before I had a son and cousins to raise, I had a fetish for bisexual women but parenting has caused me to take a more conservative approach unfortunately.
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But a couple of hot chicks rubbing up on each other is alright though, right?!

Selective homophobia.
No it's not alright as that promotes and encourages lesbianism which as a straight female just as I hate that I also hate homoeroticism.

While I can appreciate that all least your opinion is all-inclusive thus not hypocritical, I'm sure there's mostly thirtsy dudes on here that'll sliently disagree with you. I think we can agree that a whole lot of men preaching the evils that is two dudes together while hitting p orn hub for some hot lesbians.
While I can appreciate that all least your opinion is all-inclusive thus not hypocritical, I'm sure there's mostly thirtsy dudes on here that'll sliently disagree with you. I think we can agree that a whole lot of men preaching the evils that is two dudes together while hitting p orn hub for some hot lesbians.

Man on man, woman on woman. Man on woman. It's just entertainment. Nothing more.
Years ago, I said at the rate we were going, it wasn't going to be long before none of these sexual preferences will be shunned by society. Dudes acted like I was close minded, but with the rapid spread of acceptance of homosexuality, all it takes is for a few idiots to agree f**king animals, family members, children, trees, whatever, isn't wrong and it'll go the same route. Funny how this shyt is now accepted, but you still can't legally be married to 2 different women.

I don't care what you do with your life, I just feel like we should be setting examples for children. They're no longer aware it's not normal for men to wear dresses(these days, I guess it is). But forget it, everything I say will sound like the statements of a bigot.

To give clarity, my kids have never seen me roll up a blunt, or smoke weed. I'm high right now. I don't think they're nothing wrong with weed(other than that type-o I was about to fix, but f**k it, this stuff does make you dumb), I believe it's one of the healthiest ways to "intoxicate" yourself. That doesn't mean I need to shove it in everyones face 24/7. Hell, i love vagina, and I don't think that statement has ever actually left my mouth. Again, no reason to tell from the mountains how amazing sex with a woman is with every statement I make. I hate it just as much with folk who make everything about race, religion, ect. We've become a culture of idiots who think everyone is supposed to just accept your view with no resistance.

In the end, we've all lost backbone, because it don't take none to stand up for anything these days from behind a computer or meeting up to rally, and if you got enough backbone to oppose, you're looked at as the person who can't evolve.

Then, when all the nonsense of religion, politics, sexual preference, ect. get jumbled up...we get shyt like this. We as humans are becoming a more confused species daily.
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But a couple of hot chicks rubbing up on each other is alright though, right?!

Selective homophobia.

I'm far from perfect. If laying up with a woman who happens to like other women is my worst offense, I can live with that on judgement day. I know people who have done a lot worse. I know guys with multiple homicides who sleep like babies at night. I also have relatives who are very religious and judgemental who have no tolerance for gay folks. I don't think they're any better than me either because I was involved with a bisexual woman in my past. It just kind of happened. I never was threatened by the other female in the triangle because it's not like I wanted to get married anyway. I was young and casually dating myself and chalked it up as a learning experience. I was so adventurous and open minded, I tried to encourage a threesome but the other chick was super masculine who was straight gay.
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I think it's kinda sad how in hiphop being gay is still even an issue... while the rest of the (civilized) world has moved on, since... euh..well... the sixties, really..
Have fun with that caveman mentality, I'll still date dudes if I want to.. lol.
Just an observation... haven't read too many posts by our peers that are totally outraged by homosexuality - with age usually comes tolerance. The ones that stuck out to me are people who are more concerned with their kids or young family members.

Tough for me to relate, as I'm married but no kids yet, and no nephews. But I have feelings about what I do and don't want my future kids to be exposed to. And what I'm thinking now is that I'm more concerned with my kid picking up violence, moreso than homosexuality (which I also happen to think is chemical, not conditioned). This also speaks to the idea that if culture is influencing young people to be gay, then you also believe Marilyn Manson made 2 teens shoot up a school.

For the parents, what's the worse social influence on your child - violence, or homosexuality? I'm just curious - certainly not panning anyone's parenting. Do you on that. I'll find out for myself soon enough..
Just an observation... haven't read too many posts by our peers that are totally outraged by homosexuality - with age usually comes tolerance. The ones that stuck out to me are people who are more concerned with their kids or young family members.

Tough for me to relate, as I'm married but no kids yet, and no nephews. But I have feelings about what I do and don't want my future kids to be exposed to. And what I'm thinking now is that I'm more concerned with my kid picking up violence, moreso than homosexuality (which I also happen to think is chemical, not conditioned). This also speaks to the idea that if culture is influencing young people to be gay, then you also believe Marilyn Manson made 2 teens shoot up a school.

For the parents, what's the worse social influence on your child - violence, or homosexuality? I'm just curious - certainly not panning anyone's parenting. Do you on that. I'll find out for myself soon enough..

The kids who shot up that school(Columbine)didn't even listen to Marilyn Manson. Male kids today wear leggins and dangling earrings because they're in style just like they do beats headphones. I'd rather my kids be non violent and make choices without social influence, but that's the statement of a dreamer. What we see absolutely influences our decisions. A damn McDonald's commercial can make you hungry when you don't even like McDonalds.

I'd rather my kids come to their own conclusion of what they choose to be than to think because it's so acceptable they're something they're not whether that "something" is gay, a gangsta, a stoner, a "barbie" or WTF ever is trending that the time they come to a conclusion. Again, not how the world works by far, but we can all dream. I just miss the times when gays didn't have to be so in your face and all over tv every 20 seconds. But, there I go soiunding like a bigot because i don't want to see 2 men kissing on every show on tv because it's "become the norm".

Hollywood has always had an allure to pedophilia as well, give it time. That will soon be the next "norm". That's why you see old guys dating 18-20 year olds in everything you watch and prolly pay it no mind. Every time the ceiling is raised, people reach further towards it. Just saying.
Young Thug and Macklemore isn't about to make anybody gay. Truthfully Most gay folks that I know who are gay, you been knew were gay. It wasn't like the saw a certain movie or listened to a certain artist and it flipped their sexuality. If anything these artists would show people that it's ok to be themselves. No need to hide in the closet or be subjected to that self loathing. Ain't nothing you can do to protect your children from homophobia. If they're gay then they are gonna be gay. plain and simple.