TUTORIAL: Learning Scales & Chords

are these all the chords possible on a piano? How many chords are there that are possible? I am a complete noob i used to sample but now im learning to compose from scratch...
yes .....can u explain me with the Bflat major chords.....i can under stand with C,E,G major code......but not the Bflat major chords.

how u move bass notes in Bflat major scale
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Bflat major chords:

You would creat bflat major chords with the keys that make up the Bflat major scale.

To find the scale, in every scale there are 7 notes. When counting the keys the 3 and the 4 will be a half step away from each other, and so will the 7 and the 8. The 8th note is the same as the 1st note, which is b flat.

I - Bflat
ii - C
iii - D
IV - E flat
V - F
vi - G
vii - A

In the major scale, the I, IV, V are major, the ii, iii, vi are minor. vii is diminished.

Therefore, using the notes that are in the key of b flat listed above, you create your chords accordingly. For a I IV V I progression, which is Bflat major, Eflat major, F major, and Bflat major, create chords according to each major scale, find the first, third and fifth note of each chord using this method. If you need anyfurther assistance PM me and i'll do my best to explain it clearer.
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Oh yeah you create a bassline using the notes of the scale you use, stay in the key of Bflat, if that's the key your song is in. I usually use the notes of whatever chord i'm playing, and also make sure your bass note lands on the same note of your chord. If you're playing a bflat chord, the first note of your bassline should be a bflat. Next chord is Eflat, first note of that bass line should be Eflat, respectively. I think I need to be teaching piano.
i don't understand step 4 in the major scale part.

to find the sharps in the A major scale you look to the lowercase letter which was g but how did u find C and G then. i don't get the counting backwards part. can someone explain it please?

its still a sick post tho. good looks
For those that don't understand what he means by "count backwards", this is how you find all the keys in a scale

say you want to find the G major scale, you start at the G key and count "whole whole half whole whole whole half", that's the formula for finding the major scale.

So start at G, move up one whole, which is A, another whole, which is B, then move up a half which is C ( note: E to F, and B to C are considered moving up a half ), nove move up three wholes, D, E, F, then move up a half, which is F#

so it would be

G, A, B, C, D, E, F, F#

and if you want the minor scale, you flatten the 3rd, 6th, and 7th, note like the Op said.

I'm also learning this, and to me it's not too difficult, i'm trying to learn chord progressions which is a little bit more difficult.
Even though I know this shyt already, this is great for a crash course into Scales/Chords for the beginner to get a feel for playing.. Great post man.
An Emotional Guide to Music

Music Theory
major - bright, happy
minor - sad, mysterious
7ths - relaxed, jazzy
aug - very relaxed
none - scary, (slam a keyboard randomly)

Other Controllable Effects
Beats Per Minute (BPM) - faster notes more adrenaline, slower more epic and compelling.

Off-Timing Sounds - removes monotony, ex)Drum fills. Intros. Verses. Ambience.

Frequency Filter - neutral (merely depends on how its used)

Reverb - almost neutral, aura sort of feeling

Distortion - adds angst, adrenaline feeling

Low (frequency) notes - adrenaline feeling, masculine

High (frequency) notes - bright, feminine

Volume - loud, bold or quiet, shy.

low frequency notes, distortion, minor chords. can be heard in Dubstep; and Drum and Bass songs. Very action packed.

High notes and major chords. Classical music uses it frequently. Sounds very bright and happy.

Notice the subtle changes in mood when the BPM and other effects are changed.

Varying all these elements will give you an emotional roller coaster ride.
Hi Guilty J,

Could you post the image again please?

It's not showing anymore.

...but this is how i learned how to write scales and find chords within a scale.....

This entire post is one of the best things I've read in a really long time. I've gone through about a half a dozen books and this sh.t is awesome. Mad mad props for the great post.