New Indie/HipHop Milky Chance - Flashed Junk Mind(K-Dangerous Remix)F4F Thanks guys!

Sounds unique! This is a breakdown from usual hip-hop tracks and I like it,the flow on this is amazing and the overall sound is exceptional,the mix is clean too,Keep it up!

Wow thanks s o much my man I really appreciate that!
yo this is definitely dope..this has a great swing to it..I'm diggin' this style homie..great my opinion you should dub your voice at times during the verse to beef it up and then turn down the vocals to fit in the mix a little better..but overall dope ass jam
Thank You for your kind comment on my stuff! This is definitely different from what i got used to. Something I can imagine on the Radio to be honest. Nice production, the mix is juuuust a little bit muddy to me, but it's hard to judge others' mixes imo. Dope song!
Came out dope!

The vocals could use a LIL bit more mixing but overall everything sounds good beat & raps are on point!

Mad props!
Omg!! This was amazing and so original. Loved it!!!
I Would love to do a Feature when you are still open to the idea. Practice does make really good
Damn! Very unique. Love the blend of indie rock and hip hop. Definitely interested in what else you have to offer. The vocal mixing doesn't really bother me that much. I'm a lofi head so I'm not a big fan of "clear" quality mixing and mastering, but it all really comes down to personal preference and what you think your audience would enjoy. Keep it up man!
Thanks man! that means a lot to me!! yeah with the mix I can tell it's a bit off but on this one I feel like it lends to it juuuust a bit. thanks again for the feeds man!!
Great man !
I see nothing to criticize hear except maybe the lead vocals which is a little bit too loud in the mix.

Except that, it sounds great and really clean
Thank You for your kind comment on my stuff! This is definitely different from what i got used to. Something I can imagine on the Radio to be honest. Nice production, the mix is juuuust a little bit muddy to me, but it's hard to judge others' mixes imo. Dope song!

Thanks so much for the feed my brother
Returning feed. Nice work. I like the mash up. The Milky Chance sample is dope. Flow is real nice, but the vocals are mixed a little weird and the voice is too nasally imo. Other than that, this is sick, keep it up!
omg I love it when these 2 genres are mixed together. The results if done right are amazing and this is awesome. The mixing is the only thing I wish was better! Keep this up man :)
Yes, its very original.. and it fits, i personally could imagine it to be on the radio etc. but its not my type of music.
I would like to know if this was a sample which u used, and if so did you had to clear it?

Good job
Your flow fits well on the beat, it's not my kind of rap songs I listen to, but it is well made none the less.
This is cool. Hit potential for sure. I would've brought the drums up a little. But other than that. Definitely something for the masses. great work.
This is really good man , i think the mix of the vocals could be improve a little but otherwise this is very dope overall . Great delivery flow and lyrics . Hit me up for collab bro .

Yes, its very original.. and it fits, i personally could imagine it to be on the radio etc. but its not my type of music.
I would like to know if this was a sample which u used, and if so did you had to clear it?

Good job
Its not so much a sample as a song that I kinda frankensteined into a beat for my raps lol. and since its a remix for just fun or a free mixtape I dint try to clear anything although if I did im sure it would have cost a billion dollars hahaha. thanks for the feed man!
Tight work fam, great job with the originality. Vocals could use a little EQ and compression work, they coming in a little to hot, but thats just my opinion. Keep grinding fam
On speakers vocals sounds abit cripsy/muddy.On headphones they are bit too low on volume for me.
Everything else sounds just great.
It would be cool if you would add lyrics somewhere to read.
I like your flow its really interesting and changing as beat progress forward.
This type of hip-hop mix i hear for first time actually and its really enjoyable. :)