Has the internet killed the word - UNDERGROUND... Check this out...

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That's where I stand cause I rap too, and I'm just confused as to how some blow up and some don't.
For example, maybe I've been living under a rock but I never heard of half these XXL freshmen.
Some of them never even put out a record yet so how did they make the cover!?

All I can say is fvck it. I'm going for that cover shot too.

Drop some links, I'll check 'em out.
Send me another acappella!
limi know what you want me to send?

why would someone want you to send HoodHype their stuff when they can just submit it themselves???

Rome produced the remix..so..Its also his "stuff."

wat statixx you from the northwest?
damn theres hella us on here!

Im From Portland, OR

So what would your responses be if biggrome were somehow affiliated with HH? He just got a member's music played there....I'm just trying to follow the logic of questioning that?

I thought the same thing...
I don't disagree with any of that but where does the hype COME FROM?
That's what I don't get.

HYPE is when people rant and rave about an artist that is mediocre at best...making mountains out of mole-hills...happens all the time in the current era that we're in...
wow...like Lil Wayne is the ALPHA & OMEGA of this rap shit...


Regardless of what you think, or what I think Lil Wayne is the pie in the sky for most people...not sure why you would chose that to nitpick but ignore the point...
HYPE is when people rant and rave about an artist that is mediocre at best...making mountains out of mole-hills...happens all the time in the current era that we're in...

But my question is HOW?
I know what hype is, i'm just saying how does one go from a nobody to getting hype in the first place.
You asked what peoples favorite track on the mixtape? well what if I dont have a favorite track, I'm diggin every song on that mixtape. to be honest I think it shats on every other CD, mixtape, raido single that has came out this year. Yeah its not main stream but I bet if you give it sometime statixx will blow up and be in the freshman class of 2012..
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Just sent the song to an online radio station...

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It's probably been said but the internet is a great platform to promote yourself and get to know people who can help you, however it can't replace real world work.
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the internet enables you to work with people in all corners of the globe...
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