Dilla's Donuts Hidden Messages?

there are messages in all of dilla's music...if i'm not mistaken he made Donuts from his deathbed in the hospital...He knew that would be passing away
This whole convo is stupid-
Its not rocket science-Its music

I agree really.

Everyone assumes they are going to die at some point. There are messages in everything, we are human, we leave our impressions behind in everything we do.
you guys should let the man rest in peace.

and you should just let us discuss dilla...?

on another note.. House shoes (who was a great friend of Dilla's) has mentioned numerous times that Donuts had a sort of dark message to it. He evens says that and he was on of the closest people to dilla. So theres definitely something to it. No one is reading too far into it.

I never thought about it until you bring it up. Dillard's knew what he was doing when he produced his final album, I know he put his all into it... Leaving behind a real classic master piece.
Its not rocket science-Its music

Exactly. What is music to you?

It's more than just organized noise to me. Music speaks. And a lot of times, it's the creator speaking in a way that would not be as heartfelt in a normal conversation. Dilla was on his deathbed when he made Donuts. He had people literally bring his equipment/records to the hospital. And his vinyl collection was DEEP. I think he had those specific records brought to him for a reason. Dilla wasn't one of these FP morons who type "soul" on youtube to get samples and chop it into a million pieces just to say it was chopped.

Listen to the first 25 seconds of that and tell me Dilla didn't leave a message in his music.
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just take it for what it is. stop trying to push it on other people. its like mormans knocking on your door trying to make you convert.
My number 1 favorite producer of all time. With that said he was an artist. One with a mind like an encyclopedia of information on classic music etc. It's safe to say that he wanted his last work to be his great and for it to leave an impression. I don't think it's disrespectful to discuss and infer that there were messages put into his music. I just don't think they were secret. This was his last work and it was a masterpiece. And it should go without saying that J-Dilla was very important in hiphop history. And I think we are fortunate to have had him.
That's what even dilla's very close friends say, they are sure that the album is full of messages and almost nothing is random, cause let's face it, big producers no matter how random sometimes they sound, they always have their own little weird way of creating on a plan or with reason.