Dilla's Donuts Hidden Messages?

I love when DJ Houseshoes says that this album was like his "Goodbye Letter", and I feel it is too, I mean if I had a blood disease and knew I wasnt gonna be around much longer, I'd like to do something crazy like that to leave behind, thats why I feel it could be hidden messages or just coincidences.
yea i agree with profit its everywhere u just gotta look...

hold on prophet, believe....

i must believe this prophet and he will be our saviour :O


'believe me' was a bit of an omen there, clearly. For being so curious I will reward you with an explanation.
I'm just running off an idea I heard off a Dilla Documentary, trying to see how you guys feel about it.

Heres the part 3 of that Documentary:

I don't really have time to watch through the whole thing, @ what point do they mention the hidden messages?

Either way, I don't think w/e insight these guys have can be considered anything more than heresay w/o having the man himself here to let us know

it's like the bible codes, or 90 y/o catholic Mexican women seeing Jesus in their tortilla. is Jesus actually there? No, he just happens to be who they care about most.

I could see how claiming there's hidden messages & just kind of winging your interpretations of a dead man's thoughts could be viewed as disrespectful, etc.

I think this thread kinda says more about your love/infatuation w. Dilla than it does any secret messages in Donuts lol.
I don't really have time to watch through the whole thing, @ what point do they mention the hidden messages?

Either way, I don't think w/e insight these guys have can be considered anything more than heresay w/o having the man himself here to let us know

it's like the bible codes, or 90 y/o catholic Mexican women seeing Jesus in their tortilla. is Jesus actually there? No, he just happens to be who they care about most.

I could see how claiming there's hidden messages & just kind of winging your interpretations of a dead man's thoughts could be viewed as disrespectful, etc.

I think this thread kinda says more about your love/infatuation w. Dilla than it does any secret messages in Donuts lol.

I feel like you're just disagreeing to disagree...clearly dude knew he was dying and wanted to leave something behind. Artists do that type of **** all the time.....Tupac recorded a billion songs before his death and a lot of them foreshadowed his demise. Cause he knew people were gunning for him....I'm not even that huge a dilla fan and its still obvious to me.
I could see how claiming there's hidden messages & just kind of winging your interpretations of a dead man's thoughts could be viewed as disrespectful, etc.

I think this thread kinda says more about your love/infatuation w. Dilla

I was NOT trying to be disrespectful at all. If anything im bringing light to a classic album that is often looked over. If this is being "Disrespectful", how about all the cats say 2PAC is still alive?

This is nothing more than getting invloved with the music more deeply. Theres nothing wrong with that.
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who said anything about a conspiracy? I just think dude knew he was dying as do all terminally ill people and it was his way of saying goodbye.
so, in other words; a theory that involves J dilla conspiring to leave hidden messages referring to his death in donuts..a conspiracy theory.

loll, they aren't just about aliens & gov ops.

---------- Post added at 12:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 PM ----------

how about all the cats say 2PAC is still alive?
They're ****in' clowns! LOL :monkey:

This is nothing more than getting invloved with the music more deeply. Theres nothing wrong with that.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with getting involved with music more deeply. I was just saying how I could see your 1st post & initial claims in this thread being misconstrued as disrespectful. I wasn't attacking you..you're thinking; that's a plus. But perhaps you're letting your imagination run a bit wild with some of your conclusions..? that's all I'm saying. :cheers:

---------- Post added at 12:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 PM ----------

I feel like you're just disagreeing to disagree...

Not at all, man. I just require a bit of evidence to back up a claim before I hop on board with it. Now, maybe Dilla did slip in a little message here & there in Donuts. But I think you & I can both agree some of Jehfreebeats initial suggestions were a bit "out there." I think really my question is, why invest so much time thinking about it? We may never know everything he wanted to say, but that doesn't mean we should risk distorting/diluting his thoughts/wishes w mere speculation. I think this is what folks are getting @ by saying, let him "Rest in peace." You wanna make Dilla proud? Go crank out a dozen hits for your new album & stop worrying so much about "hidden messages" on a dead man's. Just my 2 cents. :cheers:
why should we not ponder this if its interesting? People have been pondering the greats in all the arts dead or alive for centuries its how you learn **** man. Thats why its called art...its specifically put out there to get people to think.

"What do you think an artist is? An imbecile who has only eyes, if he is a painter, or ears if he is a musician, or a lyre in every chamber of his heart if he is a poet, or even, if he is a boxer, just his muscles? Far from it: at the same time, he is also a political being, constantly aware of the heartbreaking, passionate, or delightful things that happen in the world, shaping himself completely in their image. How could it be possible to feel no interest in other people, and with a cool indifference to detach yourself from the very life which they bring to you so abundantly? No, painting is not done to decorate apartments. It is an instrument of war."
--Pablo Picaso
why should we not ponder this if its interesting? People have been pondering the greats in all the arts dead or alive for centuries its how you learn **** man."

I feel you & I love Dilla, it's just this thread doesn't strike me as pondering a great. More like pondering about rumours about a great.. His Biography & history in the game, from his to work w. artists like S.V. & Guilty Simpson to Missy Elliot & Common..plus all the old videos/radio segments with the man HIMSELF, are enough to occupied for weeks..His Legacy. Like, what good do what if's & mere possibilities do for anybody? Just Do you yo.
Man, I wish I didn't read this, now I'm going to look at Donuts in a whole different way when I listen to it, thanks Jehfree lol.
One for ghost isnt really a hidden message, it's just a beat for ghostface killah. But yeah it's true that he was aware of his death. And there are alot of hidden messages in the donuts
Didn't read the entire thread, but will say one's mood can set an album. Dilla was sick during most of(if not all of) the recordings done for that album. That would make for a dark exiting of exsistance overtone.

Think of How Waynes "Carter II" sounded after everyone abandoning him. He was bitter with the world when he made that. No real features, beats from anywhere he could get them, results...one of his best albums.

Lauryn Hill with "The Miseducation" she had seperated from the fugees, felt she had to choose between keeping a child or a career, had lost one love and was entering into something serious with another...all reflected heavily on the album.

Makaveli - 7 Day theory, Notorious - Ready to Die. I could go on forever.

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Didn't read the entire thread, but will say one's mood can set an album. Dilla was sick during most of(if not all of) the recordings done for that album. That would make for a dark exiting of exsistance overtone.

Think of How Waynes "Carter II" sounded after everyone abandoning him. He was bitter with the world when he made that. No real features, beats from anywhere he could get them, results...one of his best albums.

Lauryn Hill with "The Miseducation" she had seperated from the fugees, felt she had to choose between keeping a child or a career, had lost one love and was entering into something serious with another...all reflected heavily on the album.

Makaveli - 7 Day theory, Notorious - Ready to Die. I could go on forever.


couldnta said it better.
Maybe he did leave hidden messages, maybe he didn't, I don't know. When he named a track Gobstopper, was he implying his music was everlasting? Was the album title 'Donuts' itself implying that his life had come full circle and he accepted his death.

I think people are reading too much into honestly, just let the music be what it is.

I will say this though, Tupac's "we ain't hard to find", wow if there ever was a song where I thought there was a hidden message/conspiracy theory thing going on...that would be it.
ever since i watched that stussy dilla documentary, i can't help but notice weird "hidden messages" within this album, in the samples, track titles, and random vocal cuts. I never noticed until i really thought about. Some say he knew about his blood disease, and he knew he was going to pass away soon, and with that being said, some of the stuff is ironic and strange.

For instance:

-on the "workinonit" towards the end it sounds like it says "save me"
-on "stop" he made it sound as it says "is death real?" it also is ironic that it says "you're gonna want me back" "youre gonna need me one day"
- there are 31 tracks, and he passed away at 32, is he sayin something?
-the song "dont cry", maybe referring to his mother when he passes, to not cry, "girl i cant stand to see you cry".
-the intro is really the outro, and vice versa
-i also noticed a lot of "dilla gooo" tags, kinda trippy.
-theres two songs, one called "hi" and "bye", right next to each other, as his life was so short, it was a quick hi and bye???
- "one for ghost"??? Sounds trippy lol
-another strange title is "dilla says go"..
-the song "intro" samples a song titled "when i die" by motherload.
-"one eleven" samples a song called "a legend in its own time"

nevertheless, its just crazy how dilla pieced together random stuff, that maybe isnt so random......i have a feeling everything about this album, dilla had a reason for it...

Are there any other ironic messages that you can find? Let me know..

very good incite!!
Dilla putting messages in Donuts wouldn't surprise me. Dilla wasn't dumb, (Not implying he ever was, but you know.) this pretty much could have just been considered a good-bye letter.
wow, I'm a dick..lmao my bad Jehfree, re-reading some of my posts I think I was just a little taken aback by the claim here, you don't understand how ****in' into dilla I am production-wise. def One of my hugest inspirations haha..I don't know what I was on, my bad for disagreeing w you & SRM so hardbody. i think after watching that doc & re-reading all the posts in this thread, it obv. there were def messages on donuts for us..it was the word secret that threw me off, lol someone knows something about my fav producer that i don't? then again, if we're all talkin' about it right now, how secret were they really meant to be? just a thought haha
man, the "is death real?" part gave me the chills.. that album just takes you away
I hate creepy stuff like this. I wish I never heard about the "hidden Messages". Cuz whether they are in there or not now I'll always be a lil creeped out when listening to donuts, lol. Thanks alot fellas, lol