Akai MPD32 ??!

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no offense SmooveMode, but I'm smh at people that pull out the racist card that quick, it happens way too often and way too fast on here. I got called racist so many times on here it's ridiculous.
rocsta said:
no offense SmooveMode, but I'm smh at people that pull out the racist card that quick, it happens way too often and way too fast on here. I got called racist so many times on here it's ridiculous.

I do not believe in the "race card" theory. It' something that some non-minority made up to protect themselves. Racism is a part of the American way of life and most of us just simply deal with it. It's just the way it is. We could be more "politically correct" and say something like "Racially insensitive". I have also seen instances where people from the same race are racist about their own race. My old boss was black but she hated black men and most black women. When someone asked her what race she was, she would say "caribbean". LOL!!!

Come to think of it.I have seen non-minorities use the "race card" in a more effective manner. I could list them here. But I prefer to talk about music.
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SmooveMode said:
I do not believe in the "race card" theory. It' something that some non-minority made up to protect themselves. Racism is a part of the American way of life and most of us just simply deal with it. It's just the way it is. We could be more "politically correct" and say something like "Racially insensitive". I have also seen instances where people from the same race are racist about their own race. My old boss was black but she hated black men and most black women. When someone asked her what race she was, she would say "carribean". LOL!!!

Come to think of it.I have seen non-minorities use the "race card" in a more effective manner. I could list them here. But I prefer to talk about music.
Most people that are quick to call someone racist are the same people that think racism would only exist in america between black and white and would be part of the american lifestyle.

Racism exist around the whole world, too many people have to deal with this, not only black people in america.

Just my 2 cents, but I don't want this thread turn into another racism thread, we had enough of those on FP.
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yeah they are the same. i love the pads on both. i was going to go with the korg,but for some reason at the last second i got the MPD 24. I'm glad i did. great controller.
Charlee_Hess said:
yeah they are the same. i love the pads on both. i was going to go with the korg,but for some reason at the last second i got the MPD 24. I'm glad i did. great controller.

Thanks for that info Charlee. There were some good points made in this forum and I have decided to get either the MPD 24(used) or a new MPD 32. If there is such a debate over the feel of the controller. I know it's something I can get used to. I know I will want to tweak my drums and the padkontrol just does not have enough control for that.

SmooveMode said:
Thanks for that info Charlee. There were some good points made in this forum and I have decided to get either the MPD 24(used) or a new MPD 32. If there is such a debate over the feel of the controller. I know it's something I can get used to. I know I will want to tweak my drums and the padkontrol just does not have enough control for that.

Ave, thanks for adding your input in this forum. It made me take a second look at the Akai.
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Has anyone been successful in getting the MPD 32 "TAP TEMP" working with Reason? If so, what settings did you make in Reason and on the MPD 32? I've been trying for some time now and have no luck.
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johnswb said:
Has anyone been successful in getting the MPD 32 "TAP TEMP" working with Reason? If so, what settings did you make in Reason and on the MPD 32? I've been trying for some time now and have no luck.

press the "global" button, press on the > button till you reach "midi clock" set the midi clock to "external"

then press edit, then press the tap tempo button, set the tempo of the beat....

the end
AveMcree said:
press the "global" button, press on the > button till you reach "midi clock" set the midi clock to "external"

then press edit, then press the tap tempo button, set the tempo of the beat....

the end

Thank you very much. After doing that I was able to us the "NOTE REPEAT" button on the MPD 32. sweet
I think the main problem for America is that racism is viewed only as a black on white phenomenum ...and when you look at America's recent painful history it is quite understandabkle that this is the first interpretation, although an entirely wrong and unjust one nonetheless !!
I am from the UK, via irish and carribean ancestory ... and when I visted the US, I was totally shocked at how divisive a place New York was. There is virtually no 'cross-over' between so called communities and it sickened me greatly. I have never felt so uncomfortable with people in general as I did there.
Listen racism exists in many, many people of all colours. Some of the most vicious racists I have come across in the UK are black racists, no competition. Yet often their reasons for so being are utter BS, put mildly. The other thing that is bothering me here in the UK is that we are nothing like the US in racial terms ... When you are mixed, everybody attempts to get you to relate to one side or the other, almost like a pledge of layalty. However, at least in the UK, our communities are mixed up greatly in the main cities and that is just a plain fact. I am bothered by many young black men here though are sadly following Black gang-bangers mentalities in the states and trying to run with similar nasty bull**** here. Difference is, it won't last and if prolongued it will provoke a backlash white led racist response.
Black people number just under two million here in the UK and whites are over fifty million. So, that should put this in context for you.
I feel the UK IS one of the best places in the Wolrd for people to be, regardless of colour, although black people have it particularly good here. Out of a black population of 2 million, the Uk has over 120,000 black millionaires and this is one of the highest percentages og black success in relation to their overall number anywhere in the world.
The one thing the UK does not need, however, is the sickening racial roots mentality of the terribely divisive US.
There is no race. The westerners feed you bull**** about skeletal structure, phenotypes, genetic variations, skin color, hair type, eye color etc.....This in no way means that we are different "races". I don't get why most people don't see that.

Never in my life have I come across a concept as disgusting as "race".

I will say this though. Worldwide, when it comes to picking a mate for sexual mating, the light skinned ones always seemed to get preferred automatically. I do not know why, I just don't. Don't try to ignore this and act like you don't see also.
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'Picking a mate for sexual mating' ? Worrying ...

yep, I entirely agree about the race thing. We are all ancestral Afircans anyway. The oldest chromosone test was done on a skeleton which is affectionately referred to as 'Mother Africa' ( almost 100,000 years old ). Now, if we took a sample of the XY chromos from any human being alive today, regardless of so called colour, you will find that there is present a copy of the Mother Africa Chromo. The only way this can happen is if you are a related decendant from that person. So, this blows the damn right untrue concept of the five degrees of seperation out of the water !! Also, it means we all truly do belong to a brotherhood of man, just a massive pity that everybody seeks to distingiush themselves from one another ..be it on grounds of race, colour or roots. The real truth is that much of the history we currently teach is bull**** and that is why I hold the scientific community in contempt for deliberately concealing much of this critical info - but it is there if you look for it ! Concepts of Afro-American, American irish, Italion, etc, etc blah, blah fr.g..g blah !! What a bunch of lies. We are all decended from Africa - FACT - and black America needs to stop it's BS also. the back wood retarded rednecks are easily dealth with.
As regards your point about the 'fairskin'... listen, the darker skins have always gievn fair skin a rough ride for being the shade that they are and it is as wrong as anythning else in life. I don't buy the 'one drop' policy that uyou Americans conveniently band about - it's disgraceful !!
yes, I know your recent history over there is still fresh in mind, but two wrongs never make a right, even if sometimes it takes another wrong to appreciate the right.
We are all brothers, White, Black and every shade in between !!

Listen, America may have lected a man of colour for thier president, but much of the shi.te that was staed about tyhe guy in the run up was pure disgusting racially based BS. Why is it that black America so eagerly failed to mention the fact that Obama is as much white as he is black ?? You guys are a living disgrace and hell bent on creating further inequity out of what already exists.

yes, Xabition .... sorry, I just came across some crap about race issues and I couldn't help but respond ( this time around anyways ).

Coming back to the MPD32, my advice is avoid it if you are the type that wants to be able to you a device from drumming purposes that is simple and intuitive to use - this the MPD ain't !!

I tell you, my fingers must be drunk with the amount of 'typos' I keep making in my posts ... better slow down.
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First off what Funsize said is complete bullsh!t! I have spent much time in the UK and although I love it, it has every bit the racial problem that the US has and maybe more, but who cares? A racisim problem of any magnitude it too much! We all (Countries around the world) have social issues and problems, why compare something so devisive and hurtful as racism! Racism is ignorant and stupid and comparing what is worse or who is worse is like saying, "I am just a little stupid, and you are a lot stupid", You either stupid or not, and your either racist or not! PERIOD!

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Well, KCsherell, first up we are fully in agreement about racism being utter nonsense, divisive and distructive.
However, do me the basic courtesy, if you are capable, of being a little more reasoned and articulate than just saying my views are bull**** !! Yes, I hear you about the 'stupid' argument, but I was merely eluding to the views that seemed to be , sadly in my humble opinion, about such issues.
You may have visited here, but I was born and raised here in the UK and I have also served on race orientated commitiees that influenced racial equality policies here in the Uk for the better. Being of mixed decent, I choose my words very carefully indeed and they are not impuslive or ill-considered at all - they are very reflective of my experiences here and you cannot equate the American experience with that of the UK by any stretch of the imagination, full stop !
I recently had a very heated argument with a local councillor about an Irish concern. This person, who is actually from Nigeria, came to the UK and remained here intially clandestantly ( was on a visitors Visa and then remained two years past the expiry date and finally was granted grounds to remain after an Asylum application ). After some years of establishing themself, the character was elected to a local council, with impact over local council finance. ( bare with me because I am coming to my point here ). After a funding exercise for a local community hall ( whose member ship is 80% black ), and one which I was arguing more funding for, whilst this incompetent man was refusing the most undeniable eveidence as to why it should reeive the funding asked for ), it was one of the older Jamaican ladies that stood up and called this African guy ' a damn fool African who don't care about carribeans at any time ). This touched a raw nerve with some of the other older folk present who started to emphastically agree with her statement ( they were laregly off carribean decent ). This then led to a series of tussles with three elder African gentelmen who were there over the outburst. The Councillor then tried to calm the situation by using a terrible tactic of immediate deflection by talking about us all being brothers and then daring in the very next breath to mention certain white run local businesses that should be boycotted. This absolutely staggered me, as at least as they were about thirty older white people present. it was at that point that an old irish lady stood up called the councillor a fool and and racist idiot. He then opted to say that it was her ancestors that were partly responsible for the current situation. At this point, I stood up and educated the ignorant African councillor, by informing him that ifact the Irish were enslaved/subjugated by the British for over 800 years - over 400 years longer than modern black slavery lasted. I also informed him of the absolute atrocities of over 1.4 million irish being laughtered by the Brits in the name of that slavery. I asked him to immediately aplogise to the irish woman, which he very reluctantly did. If you are so well in touch with our situation here in the UK, you will understand that the irish and carribeans were always very close historically in the UK, as when they all started to arrive on mass, the message to them was often 'No Blacks, Irish or Dogs' ... However, the Uk has moved away from that attitude greatly and is one of the most progressive systems in the World today.
As regard your feelings about my comments on America, I was speaking from personal experience. However, my views have been backed up by some of my friends, both black and white who regularly travel to the US and all have said that they do not feel totally comfortable with certain aspects of community relations there - so, I am not enirely on my own with my perceptions.
Hey, look, any trashy film coming out of the Holywood suer nowadys talks about 'White man, black man tags' as if the viewing audience do not have eyes of their own wish which to see a charcters skin colour ... so, please brotha ...
Don't come at me with ' I talk bull****' ... you are welcome to jump on a plane and come over, meet up with me and I will educate your mind to how open and integrated a place is we have here. As I stated, what worries me is that a lot of black youth seem to be following very negative aspects of what is percieved as black gangster culture, which is leading to a seperation of races in a way that did not occur for my generation. This is not delusional, but rather a matter of fact.
U wished u lived in america, you jealous british prick. You mofos over there will never elect a black person to be the leader of that country. bow to your queen and drink tea funboy
Funsize said:
Well, KCsherell, first up we are fully in agreement about racism being utter nonsense, divisive and distructive.
However, do me the basic courtesy, if you are capable, of being a little more reasoned and articulate than just saying my views are bull**** !! Yes, I hear you about the 'stupid' argument, but I was merely eluding to the views that seemed to be , sadly in my humble opinion, about such issues.
You may have visited here, but I was born and raised here in the UK and I have also served on race orientated commitiees that influenced racial equality policies here in the Uk for the better. Being of mixed decent, I choose my words very carefully indeed and they are not impuslive or ill-considered at all - they are very reflective of my experiences here and you cannot equate the American experience with that of the UK by any stretch of the imagination, full stop !
I recently had a very heated argument with a local councillor about an Irish concern. This person, who is actually from Nigeria, came to the UK and remained here intially clandestantly ( was on a visitors Visa and then remained two years past the expiry date and finally was granted grounds to remain after an Asylum application ). After some years of establishing themself, the character was elected to a local council, with impact over local council finance. ( bare with me because I am coming to my point here ). After a funding exercise for a local community hall ( whose member ship is 80% black ), and one which I was arguing more funding for, whilst this incompetent man was refusing the most undeniable eveidence as to why it should reeive the funding asked for ), it was one of the older Jamaican ladies that stood up and called this African guy ' a damn fool African who don't care about carribeans at any time ). This touched a raw nerve with some of the other older folk present who started to emphastically agree with her statement ( they were laregly off carribean decent ). This then led to a series of tussles with three elder African gentelmen who were there over the outburst. The Councillor then tried to calm the situation by using a terrible tactic of immediate deflection by talking about us all being brothers and then daring in the very next breath to mention certain white run local businesses that should be boycotted. This absolutely staggered me, as at least as they were about thirty older white people present. it was at that point that an old irish lady stood up called the councillor a fool and and racist idiot. He then opted to say that it was her ancestors that were partly responsible for the current situation. At this point, I stood up and educated the ignorant African councillor, by informing him that ifact the Irish were enslaved/subjugated by the British for over 800 years - over 400 years longer than modern black slavery lasted. I also informed him of the absolute atrocities of over 1.4 million irish being laughtered by the Brits in the name of that slavery. I asked him to immediately aplogise to the irish woman, which he very reluctantly did. If you are so well in touch with our situation here in the UK, you will understand that the irish and carribeans were always very close historically in the UK, as when they all started to arrive on mass, the message to them was often 'No Blacks, Irish or Dogs' ... However, the Uk has moved away from that attitude greatly and is one of the most progressive systems in the World today.
As regard your feelings about my comments on America, I was speaking from personal experience. However, my views have been backed up by some of my friends, both black and white who regularly travel to the US and all have said that they do not feel totally comfortable with certain aspects of community relations there - so, I am not enirely on my own with my perceptions.
Hey, look, any trashy film coming out of the Holywood suer nowadys talks about 'White man, black man tags' as if the viewing audience do not have eyes of their own wish which to see a charcters skin colour ... so, please brotha ...
Don't come at me with ' I talk bull****' ... you are welcome to jump on a plane and come over, meet up with me and I will educate your mind to how open and integrated a place is we have here. As I stated, what worries me is that a lot of black youth seem to be following very negative aspects of what is percieved as black gangster culture, which is leading to a seperation of races in a way that did not occur for my generation. This is not delusional, but rather a matter of fact.

OK, Funsize, I was not going to go into how or why I know what I know because I believe that like me, no one on this post really gives a sh!t where you come up with your thought, so long as they are based in fact! However, since you are inferring that I don't know what I am talking about, I am going to set you straight!

(1) I spent much time in the UK (Which is what I said originally), not just a visit as you indicated. I was in the US Army and spent 2 years there (Oxfordshire and other posts) training you Brits, which I am quite fond of! I will say also, that your people for the most part are warm and gracious people and I love it there and I love the people of the UK, but don't for a minute assume that I don't know what I am talking about! I will also add that I have a Masters Degree in Urban Studies and am currently 1 semester away from my PHd, in Urban Studies from Portland State University. During my time in Grad school I also studies abroad for 2 semesters in the UK at Cambridge.

Now, I wouldn't normally go into my education, resume or credentials, however, since you seem to be set on the notion that I am not educated on said matter, I felt it necessary to inform you of where I gained my knowledge.

Now, I agree with some of what you said, racism being shortsighted and ignorant, and that certain fads are started in different parts of the world and spread to other parts, but do not confuse the fact that that ball rolls both ways! Both the US and the UK have long history's of racism and inhumane and ignorant treatment of minority groups and I could argue (convincingly, I might add) that the UK has maybe the longest and ugliest history of racism in the world, but I will not do so, because even if it were true, which I am not completely sure of, what good would come from it? Wouldn't the World be better served if I used that effort to do something that brought us together rather than split us apart? We need to focus on what makes us the same rather than what makes us different. I personally believe that our differences are part of what makes this world beautiful and interesting, but others see those differences and it frightens them, so until we can subside those fears, I believe nothing good comes from blame or making light of our differences.

A piece of advice that I would give you, do not assume to know what others have or are currently going through, and do not pretend to know what education others have or where they gained that education or knowledge. I also think that your post just makes people's defenses go up, and causes them to be on the defensive. If you want to have a debate or a substantive discussion on a subject like this, its best to do so with an open mind and without pointing fingers and assigning blame!

On a side note, I am 50% Irish and 50% Navajo Native American (My Father is an Immigrant (Legal) from Northern Ireland and spent 2 years in London before coming to Arizona, where he met my Mother). So, I know a little about the Irish history and being a minority!

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