Gunplay Believes Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting Was A Government Conspiracy

Here is something for you.

Communist Chinese Government Calls For Americans to be Disarmed
Chinese State Media Demands US Citizens Be Disarmed

Medvedev upholds Russian arms ban after US school massacre
Medvedev upholds Russian arms ban after US school massacre — RT

U.N. Wants Global Gun Ban
U.N. Wants Global Gun Ban

The real conspiracy is the people like you that live in a fairy tale word of everybody get along and hold hands. There is nothing to see. Everything is fine. Now back to my beats. I want to be rich like the producers on TV. Wake Up Dude.

Actually thats nothing for me. Other nations have an opinion on what we do so I'm supposed to be enlightened suddenly? The gun control argument has been going on. If you're suggesting that pressure from outside countries could potentially help the pro gun control argument in the US then no freakin duh.

Honestly, responses like that are part of the reason why I find people like you f*cking annoying.

I mean hell, you even dug up an article from 2001 to try to drive your point home.
Here is a guy explaining how it went down on IRAN TV

Guys like this nut, should not have access to weapons either. He talks like a Neo-Nazi or KKK clown. I'm sure he isn't very found of black people either. Go figure that he is in Phoenix, Arizona too. Can't get down with the conspiracies though. There is no conspiracy to get rid of our 2nd amendment rights. Okay maybe there is one conspiracy and that is how the gun people started ratcheting up the rhetoric when it appeared President Obama would be re-elected they started trying to scare people into buying more weapons and ammo saying the Obama is going to pass some anti-gun laws. Now a couple major shootings later prices are going up on ammo and semi-automatic weapons. People are scampering to purchase all they can before any new laws are passed. Who wins...people selling ammo and weapons. Smart marketing...absolutely. Someone needs to formulate a scare tactic to get the beat sales to jump up!
Guys like this nut, should not have access to weapons either. He talks like a Neo-Nazi or KKK clown. I'm sure he isn't very found of black people either. Go figure that he is in Phoenix, Arizona too. Can't get down with the conspiracies though. There is no conspiracy to get rid of our 2nd amendment rights. Okay maybe there is one conspiracy and that is how the gun people started ratcheting up the rhetoric when it appeared President Obama would be re-elected they started trying to scare people into buying more weapons and ammo saying the Obama is going to pass some anti-gun laws. Now a couple major shootings later prices are going up on ammo and semi-automatic weapons. People are scampering to purchase all they can before any new laws are passed. Who wins...people selling ammo and weapons. Smart marketing...absolutely. Someone needs to formulate a scare tactic to get the beat sales to jump up!

You do know they been talking about his on a global scale since 2001 and before. What is wrong with you guys Are you scared or something. The info is right on front of you and you say NO, i DONT SEE IT. LOL

U.N. Wants Global Gun Ban -2001
U.N. Wants Global Gun Ban


---------- Post added at 09:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 PM ----------

Actually thats nothing for me. Other nations have an opinion on what we do so I'm supposed to be enlightened suddenly? The gun control argument has been going on. If you're suggesting that pressure from outside countries could potentially help the pro gun control argument in the US then no freakin duh.

Honestly, responses like that are part of the reason why I find people like you f*cking annoying.

I mean hell, you even dug up an article from 2001 to try to drive your point home.

Your so damn lost, you can't even see the reason why I post an article from 2001 to show you that this a work in progress. It aint gonna happen over night. It is a gradual slow process. You show how lost you are. This is what college is doing to you guys? Turning your brains into mush!

You find people like me annoying cause I ain't telling you shit just to make you feel good. The world ain't pretty fool. To sit here and act like everything is all good is the dumbest thing in the world. Wait to your ass get out of college. You'll be lucky if you can even find a damn job in your field.

But like most fools, they always found out to damn late and then you stuck with grieve and sorrow. Crying - "Why God, Why. I am good person. How could this happen to me."
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No, that is NOT what matters in the end! If one lives their life with this as their motto, they will never be happy. Aurora, Sandy Hook, Columbine, etc. all have evidence that scream smoking guns but people just go through life with questioning. "The government is ALWAYS right and is ALWAYS looking out for our best interest." Do any of you who ignore any "conspiracy theorist's" point of view ever take the time to understand why "conspiracy theorists" think the way they do?" Have any of you looked at their "evidence"? What will become of the 2nd Amendment is the question to be asked? ALL 'conspiracy events" occur with precise timing for fear mongering reasons. Why not another junior high, high school or college shooting? Too many of these. America's (and the world's gun culture) has desensitized people's negative thoughts towards guns. Another shooting with teens may not cause enough uproar. The mass sacrificial killing of little kids (as awful as it is) will cause enough uproar so that the 2nd Amendment could be done away with. If they could end the 2nd Amendment, there will be no resistance from the citizens, militias, etc. Enter the police state. Welcome to Hell. A 21st century concentration camp where you could be detained indefinitely without a trial or evidence of wrongdoing (NDAA signed by Barack Obama). You can't fight guns or any type of weaponry with your fists. If 1 Amendment goes they all go. It's a domino effect or a house of cards. It desensitizes the public so that they don't FEEL hurt when their rights are being taken from them. Problem-Reaction-Solution. Problem-gun violence. School and mall (heavily populated places) shootings. Where do people get the guns? The government but we're not supposed to know this. Reaction-We mourn heavily for the victims. We must not allow this to happen again. Solution-take away the 2nd Amendment or any rights that stand in the way. This was used with 9/11. Then, the Patriot Act. Now, gun ban. I don't want to be misunderstood. I mourn for the little kids as much as anyone else BUT one has to ? why this happened?

Gun ban... smh.

What it says in the original amendment is that MILITIA should have a right to have guns and the founding fathers actually were in favor of gun control

you know who was in favor of gun control also ? The NRA ! In the 20's and 30's they were the biggest group demanding gun control !

Then, over night, the NRA switched their complete philosophy, they said, EVERY INDIVIDUAL HAS THE RIGHT TO HAVE A GUN

all of a sudden everybody says the constitutions always said the INDIVIDUAL should have guns

the supreme court didn't think that, the founding fathers didn't think that..

see what happened... some guys came out with a fake document and claimed the second amendment always meant that individuals should have guns, claiming they found some old, long lost document, they reinstated that propaganda into the people until they believed it and fought the court over a ling time, all this against the original intent of the founding fathers and the supreme court

Now who was behind this ? The government and the gun manufactures to create a MULTI BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY !!

So why should the government of the wealthiest country on earth take away your guns now, throw you in prison, which would destroy the complete market and turn the whole country into a police state at the edge of complete decay like north korea, letting china, europe and india rise to shit all over the U.S. ?

Can any of you conspiracy terrorists explain that to me ? All you tell me is what they might do, but the motivation is completely unclear !

I could tell you that 12 holy chicken sewed a Jesus doll together and an old witch master brought him to life and had a gay relationship with him !

Why would you believe me if all i had was a pretentious statement with no substance within it what so ever ???

fk outta here..
Guys like this nut, should not have access to weapons either. He talks like a Neo-Nazi or KKK clown. I'm sure he isn't very found of black people either. Go figure that he is in Phoenix, Arizona too. Can't get down with the conspiracies though. There is no conspiracy to get rid of our 2nd amendment rights. Okay maybe there is one conspiracy and that is how the gun people started ratcheting up the rhetoric when it appeared President Obama would be re-elected they started trying to scare people into buying more weapons and ammo saying the Obama is going to pass some anti-gun laws. Now a couple major shootings later prices are going up on ammo and semi-automatic weapons. People are scampering to purchase all they can before any new laws are passed. Who wins...people selling ammo and weapons. Smart marketing...absolutely. Someone needs to formulate a scare tactic to get the beat sales to jump up!

Whie you were watching porn and listening to beats

Obama supports UN global gun ban less than 24 hours after reelection,
After Obama win, U.S. backs new U.N. arms treaty talks (Global Gun Ban)

After Obama win, U.S. backs new U.N. arms treaty talks | Reuters

---------- Post added at 09:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 PM ----------

Gun ban... smh.

What it says in the original amendment is that MILITIA should have a right to have guns and the founding fathers actually were in favor of gun control

you know who was in favor of gun control also ? The NRA ! In the 20's and 30's they were the biggest group demanding gun control !

Then, over night, the NRA switched their complete philosophy, they said, EVERY INDIVIDUAL HAS THE RIGHT TO HAVE A GUN

all of a sudden everybody says the constitutions always said the INDIVIDUAL should have guns

the supreme court didn't think that, the founding fathers didn't think that..

see what happened... some guys came out with a fake document and claimed the second amendment always meant that individuals should have guns, claiming they found some old, long lost document, they reinstated that propaganda into the people until they believed it and fought the court over a ling time, all this against the original intent of the founding fathers and the supreme court

Now who was behind this ? The government and the gun manufactures to create a MULTI BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY !!

So why should the government of the wealthiest country on earth take away your guns now, throw you in prison, which would destroy the complete market and turn the whole country into a police state at the edge of complete decay like north korea, letting china, europe and india rise to shit all over the U.S. ?

Can any of you conspiracy terrorists explain that to me ? All you tell me is what they might do, but the motivation is completely unclear !

I could tell you that 12 holy chicken sewed a Jesus doll together and an old witch master brought him to life and had a gay relationship with him !

Why would you believe me if all i had was a pretentious statement with no substance within it what so ever ???

fk outta here..

While you were chasing skirts and watching WWE Wrestling

Obama supports UN global gun ban less than 24 hours after reelection,
After Obama win, U.S. backs new U.N. arms treaty talks | Reuters
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Lmao, obama ain't got shit to say

obviously they write good bout him, its all for the image

Your guns are going nowhere, and if they come try take em you can still bust back and die as a martyr, wouldn't that be cool ?

Yelling: Bury Me a G, lol
If you agree with "Conspiracies" or not, the overall point is you CANNOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING people tell you. I was heavily taught this when I was brought up. ANYBODY can lie to you. Idgaf if it was you, him, her, the Pres., the Pope, or my own mother, I was given a BRAIN to figure things out for myself, and so was everybody else. No matter how many times my mother told me "Santa Clause brought you that present", I knew it was no way in hell that a fat, old, white man was cruising through the ghetto giving niggas playstations and nintendos, and eating all of my cookies in the jar. And with these incidents that have been ocurring, there have been too many allusions and plot holes that complement them.
Unless his parents were rich, How did the Aurora shooter (a college student) get military gear that easily costed thousands of dollars? And how was he able to get this type of gear?
Why are people freaking out that in the Wayne "My Homies Still" video, that came out before the incident, there are dead skeletons in a movie theatre?
Why are there many scenes in the Batman movie that accurately alludes to many of these conspiracies and current events on the dot?
Why did Lanza destroy his computer? How did he destroy it to the point that investigators can't recover info (which has rarely happened before, they ALWAYS recover something)?, Why the hell did his mom have a BUSHMASTER, a military rifle, in Newtown, Connecticut, a relatively small, northern town, and how did she get it?
It was stated that Lanza couldn't/didn't shoot if he made eye contact with a target and that he never looked directly at the victims. A surviving staff member stated that when she made eye contact, she saw a slight display of sympathy/emotion from him. Is there a significance behind that?
It is GREATLY possible that these in fact may very well be coincidences, but these are the types of questions I analyze and ask myself when tragedies like this happen, no matter how dumb or trivial they may be. Like the dude from the Boondocks said "The absence of evidence, is not the evidence of absence".
The shooter goes in with a bulletproof vest, yet he kills me himself? Why do you need a bulletproof vest if you know you were gonna kill yourself. Things that make you go, hmmmm.
Your so damn lost, you can't even see the reason why I post an article from 2001 to show you that this a work in progress. It aint gonna happen over night. It is a gradual slow process. You show how lost you are. This is what college is doing to you guys? Turning your brains into mush!

You find people like me annoying cause I ain't telling you shit just to make you feel good. The world ain't pretty fool. To sit here and act like everything is all good is the dumbest thing in the world. Wait to your ass get out of college. You'll be lucky if you can even find a damn job in your field.

But like most fools, they always found out to damn late and then you stuck with grieve and sorrow. Crying - "Why God, Why. I am good person. How could this happen to me."

You know, there just might be a crazy chance that I did in fact understand what you were attempting to get at.

The thing that you don't seem to be getting is that absolutely nothing you're saying is conclusive. The U.N. called for a gun ban nearly 12 years ago. So in your mind the only feasible explanation for the Sandy Hook incident is that the government planned to slaughter kids as part of a decade long plot to control guns? You're refusing to accept that there are still other logical possibilities because you're so set on your own beliefs. It's just as likely that the incident happened and gun control supporters are being common opportunists and jumping on the story because it's in favor of their views.

You did a great job once again of showcasing why I can't stand folks like you though. I find people like you annoying because you're seemingly incapable of expressing your views without your own ego and the sequoia sized chip on your shoulder from having your feelings hurt by numerous people that have called you crazy in the past needlessly coming into play in every discussion. Because people disagree with or are simply not yet sold on your views, you instantly feel the need to talk down to them and make generalizations about their character/knowledge when you yourself can't make a conclusive argument on your opinion while at the same time display your own lack of character.

Out of me admitting that some of the information that I myself have seen on the story seems fishy, being willing to have an open mind to alternate explanations and giving dumbasses like you the benefit of the doubt, somehow, some way in your mind, that translated to me saying that everything is hunky dory peachy keen rainbows and skittles. Please, shut the f*ck up.
I have just one question: how many mofu accounts does Kendall actually have? And why is he allowed to do that over and over again?

Thanks in advance for the answer.
What it says in the original amendment is that MILITIA should have a right to have guns

Wrong. Read it again. It is for the people, not a militia. If you don't have good reading comprehension, maybe you should read the Heller decision in Heller v. DC, a Supreme court case in 2008. It states that the 2nd Amendment applies to individuals.
Let's make this thread move a little quicker.

3 shooters.

These are some of my issues though...

How does Adam's child slaughter tie into the fact that his father is an accountant at GE that is supposed to testify about the LIBOR scandal that has more to do with major bank fraud and nothing to do with gun control? What's the supposed correlation?

And with Ryan Lanza's FB page, Ryan could've very easily deactivated his FB page so people would leave him TF alone, and then reactivated it with stricter privacy settings because he knew the majority of the Facebook world would be trying to look him up. The Twitter world was already attacking TF out of someone with a @Ryan_Lanza handle the day of the shooting.

And Nancy Lanza reportedly WAS a teacher at the school, but retired 3 years back to tend to Adam. Ryan reported that Adam had been suffering from Aspergers in combination with other mental disorders. Read this post to get an idea of what she may have been dealing with in Adam. 'I Am Adam Lanza's Mother': A Mom's Perspective On The Mental Illness Conversation In America

And just because the police had people pinned down with handcuffs on doesn't mean they were involved. They were running from the police. If there's a school shooting going on and the police see you running from the scene why wouldn't they run after you, catch and cuff you until the situation had settled down and they could clarify things? If there were other shooters involved and this is indeed a government plot, then why would they be commanded to run away? They served their purpose. Why didn't they just surrender like James Holmes who was supposedly being mind controlled? Even if there were multiple shooters then what does that mean? I'm sure one person can kill plenty of sitting duck children on their own. So what purpose would it serve to have 2 more shooters to assist and then have them flee? If the goal is gun control then it probably would've been even MORE effective for the pro-gun control cause to have 2 or 3 people preying on those defenseless kids because it's THAT much more ruthless. People claim that there was a second gunman in the Aurora shooting, but the police arrived there within 60-90 seconds of it happening, and somehow the mystery 2nd guy was able to successfully disappear within that time frame. But the government couldn't orchestrate this shooting quick enough to get the other 2 redundant gunmen out of there without them being caught and apprehended? Hell why wouldn't they just off themselves too to help prevent potential loose ends from later surfacing and leaking into the media/internet?

Shoot, why didn't they even have Holmes off himself for the same purpose? They apparently can masterfully plan a shooting but they're not smart enough to cut the loose ends like killing the shooter off to prevent having him potentially blab or claim that he has no memory of the shooting if he was in fact brainwashed, which would only create further speculation on top of the speculation people were already making from simple things like observing Holmes in the courtroom in the aftermath. They can't be that conveniently stupid to not know how to properly cover their tracks
These are some of my issues though...

How does Adam's child slaughter tie into the fact that his father is an accountant at GE that is supposed to testify about the LIBOR scandal that has more to do with major bank fraud and nothing to do with gun control? What's the supposed correlation?

And with Ryan Lanza's FB page, Ryan could've very easily deactivated his FB page so people would leave him TF alone, and then reactivated it with stricter privacy settings because he knew the majority of the Facebook world would be trying to look him up. The Twitter world was already attacking TF out of someone with a @Ryan_Lanza handle the day of the shooting.

And Nancy Lanza reportedly WAS a teacher at the school, but retired 3 years back to tend to Adam. Ryan reported that Adam had been suffering from Aspergers in combination with other mental disorders. Read this post to get an idea of what she may have been dealing with in Adam. 'I Am Adam Lanza's Mother': A Mom's Perspective On The Mental Illness Conversation In America

And just because the police had people pinned down with handcuffs on doesn't mean they were involved. They were running from the police. If there's a school shooting going on and the police see you running from the scene why wouldn't they run after you, catch and cuff you until the situation had settled down and they could clarify things? If there were other shooters involved and this is indeed a government plot, then why would they be commanded to run away? They served their purpose. Why didn't they just surrender like James Holmes who was supposedly being mind controlled? Even if there were multiple shooters then what does that mean? I'm sure one person can kill plenty of sitting duck children on their own. So what purpose would it serve to have 2 more shooters to assist and then have them flee? If the goal is gun control then it probably would've been even MORE effective for the pro-gun control cause to have 2 or 3 people preying on those defenseless kids because it's THAT much more ruthless. People claim that there was a second gunman in the Aurora shooting, but the police arrived there within 60-90 seconds of it happening, and somehow the mystery 2nd guy was able to successfully disappear within that time frame. But the government couldn't orchestrate this shooting quick enough to get the other 2 redundant gunmen out of there without them being caught and apprehended? Hell why wouldn't they just off themselves too to help prevent potential loose ends from later surfacing and leaking into the media/internet?

Shoot, why didn't they even have Holmes off himself for the same purpose? They apparently can masterfully plan a shooting but they're not smart enough to cut the loose ends like killing the shooter off to prevent having him potentially blab or claim that he has no memory of the shooting if he was in fact brainwashed, which would only create further speculation on top of the speculation people were already making from simple things like observing Holmes in the courtroom in the aftermath. They can't be that conveniently stupid to not know how to properly cover their tracks

I don't really believe the theory, just thought it was interesting. According to the theory, the other 2 guys were the actual shooters, and the Lanza kid was set up, to threaten the father.
Browsing this thread actually reinstates my believe that a shockingly large percentage of human beings are just dumb as f-ck

I could go into all the psychological reasons why people believe in conspiracy's but I don't wanna waste my time with that as I'm schemin' some money plans

Cuz that's what matters in the end, doesn't it ?

Yeah. Money is all I'm concerned with. Getting knowledge is dumb because you don't have any real power behind it.

I know a lot of stuff, but I don't have any real power. So what was the point in learning all that stuff? Facts and information is nothing if you can't leverage it to put yourself in a better position. People be too smart for their own good these days. That's the downfall of mankind.

I'd rather just get my money and fall back from all this "conspiracy" stuff. You only fall victim to the system when you participate in it. I want to get rich and fall back. Let the dorks and do-gooders change the world. Dumb it down, because it really doesn't matter anyway.
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If you agree with "Conspiracies" or not, the overall point is you CANNOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING people tell you. I was heavily taught this when I was brought up. ANYBODY can lie to you. Idgaf if it was you, him, her, the Pres., the Pope, or my own mother, I was given a BRAIN to figure things out for myself, and so was everybody else. No matter how many times my mother told me "Santa Clause brought you that present", I knew it was no way in hell that a fat, old, white man was cruising through the ghetto giving niggas playstations and nintendos, and eating all of my cookies in the jar. And with these incidents that have been ocurring, there have been too many allusions and plot holes that complement them.
Unless his parents were rich, How did the Aurora shooter (a college student) get military gear that easily costed thousands of dollars? And how was he able to get this type of gear?
Why are people freaking out that in the Wayne "My Homies Still" video, that came out before the incident, there are dead skeletons in a movie theatre?
Why are there many scenes in the Batman movie that accurately alludes to many of these conspiracies and current events on the dot?
Why did Lanza destroy his computer? How did he destroy it to the point that investigators can't recover info (which has rarely happened before, they ALWAYS recover something)?, Why the hell did his mom have a BUSHMASTER, a military rifle, in Newtown, Connecticut, a relatively small, northern town, and how did she get it?
It was stated that Lanza couldn't/didn't shoot if he made eye contact with a target and that he never looked directly at the victims. A surviving staff member stated that when she made eye contact, she saw a slight display of sympathy/emotion from him. Is there a significance behind that?
It is GREATLY possible that these in fact may very well be coincidences, but these are the types of questions I analyze and ask myself when tragedies like this happen, no matter how dumb or trivial they may be. Like the dude from the Boondocks said "The absence of evidence, is not the evidence of absence".

"In June 2011, Holmes enrolled as a Ph.D. student in neuroscience at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora.[SUP][35][/SUP] He received a $21,600 grant from the National Institutes of Health, according to agency records, which was disbursed in installments from July 2011 to June 2012. Holmes also received a $5,000 stipend from the University of Colorado, Denver."

Probably used some of that money to purchase the guns

"On May 22, 2012, Holmes purchased a Glock 22 pistol at a Gander Mountain shop in Aurora, and six days later bought a Remington Model 870 shotgun at a Bass Pro Shops in Denver.[SUP][47][/SUP] On June 7, just hours after failing his oral exam at the university,[SUP][40][/SUP] he purchased a Smith & Wesson M&P15 semi-automatic rifle, with a second Glock 22 pistol following on July 6.[SUP][48][/SUP] All the weapons were bought legally.[SUP][49][/SUP] In the four months prior to the shooting, Holmes also bought 3000 rounds of ammunition for the pistols, 3000 rounds for the M&P15, and 350 shells for the shotgun over the Internet.[SUP][50][/SUP][SUP][51][/SUP] On July 2, he placed an order for a Blackhawk Urban Assault Vest, two magazine holders and a knife at an online retailer.[SUP][50][/SUP][5"

James Eagan Holmes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You know, there just might be a crazy chance that I did in fact understand what you were attempting to get at.

The thing that you don't seem to be getting is that absolutely nothing you're saying is conclusive. The U.N. called for a gun ban nearly 12 years ago. So in your mind the only feasible explanation for the Sandy Hook incident is that the government planned to slaughter kids as part of a decade long plot to control guns? You're refusing to accept that there are still other logical possibilities because you're so set on your own beliefs. It's just as likely that the incident happened and gun control supporters are being common opportunists and jumping on the story because it's in favor of their views.

You did a great job once again of showcasing why I can't stand folks like you though. I find people like you annoying because you're seemingly incapable of expressing your views without your own ego and the sequoia sized chip on your shoulder from having your feelings hurt by numerous people that have called you crazy in the past needlessly coming into play in every discussion. Because people disagree with or are simply not yet sold on your views, you instantly feel the need to talk down to them and make generalizations about their character/knowledge when you yourself can't make a conclusive argument on your opinion while at the same time display your own lack of character.

Out of me admitting that some of the information that I myself have seen on the story seems fishy, being willing to have an open mind to alternate explanations and giving dumbasses like you the benefit of the doubt, somehow, some way in your mind, that translated to me saying that everything is hunky dory peachy keen rainbows and skittles. Please, shut the f*ck up.

A college kid who is so lost. When them student loans hit you and you can't find a job. Don't cry. You have a bad understanding indeed. Do you think that this stuff is not overnight. How are you even in college classes? This stuff is even past 2001. They have been planning thisstuff in the 80's. It takes time. Evil is subtle. It moves at a snail pace like python then before you know it you done. The snake wrapped around you and you can't breath.

College is doing nothing . Producing mass idiots to not think. My beliefs, I didn't write this stuff. No, I read and see the patterns. I read the documents that politicians and world leaders have said that the world will be like in the next century. Get off Protools for a second and go study something for once in your life. I speak directly, not rude. The world ain't nice. My speech is direct and to the point.
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