Who I Am

Dusty Beats

New member
So figured I should make a first post introducing myself.

Behind the scenes I'm just a 25yo dude from New Zealand that's been a diehard hip-hop fan since I first heard The Roots when I was 12. Nowdays just a diehard music fan in general. I've spent a tonne of time on ableton making my own beats and learning about beat making in general also. But that's just a personal hobby, I don't have the time to dedicate to making it a career.

I made a soundcloud playlist called Dusty Beats and it got pretty popular, long story short I decided to try my hand at making a channel to create a community for these beats.

That was 2 weeks ago. Last night I made the decision to actually pursue this, as regardless of how many subs I have, I enjoy building this up and having a place and art form for my playlist. I reached out to all the artists I'd uploaded so far and filled them in on the channel and asked for their permission. From here on out I plan to keep this legit and with the artists consent.

Which is basically why I'm here. To meet beat makers, pick up tips, hopefully share tips and if I come across anyone who fits the vibe of my channel then reach out and hopefully work with them and put out some of their beats.

As for the channel, it's called Dusty Beats on youtube and the original playlist that inspired it can be found by searching soundcloud for Dusty Beats posted by the account NeonNature.