When to STOP producing..OverProducing..Leave Feedback on Video

kingidivine said:
na im not saying i talk to everyone.. lol just in my expierences was all i was speaking on... and u kinda hit it on the head...some dudes cant afford to buy ANY instruments.. they just have to use what they got so if thas the mpc and some records then thas what they gotta do.. keep doing what you do doc...just make music.. however you go about doing that is totally up 2 you...

respect 1

I wit you on that note. Sampler or Non Sampler do what you do.
TD Jay Project said:
I agree to disagree with you on this deRaNged. I know what I am about to say is gonna make people mad but its how I feel on the whole sampling art. Yes I said ART. I feel like when you sample your taking the easyist way out. ANd i also think its out dated. think of it this way. In your house do you want granit of reg counter tops? Why dont we producers make NEW music and not SAMPLE OLD music? Remember I said this is how I feel about the whole sampling thing if you sample dont send a hater comment and tell me I DONT KNOW HIP HOP save them comments to your self.

I dont know man, I dont sample alot cause sample clearing makes me nervous lol but I sit back and look at Just blazes beats and kanyes beats and timbaland beats and think....wow. I think alot more beats have some sampled elements (besides drums) than you think in them.

kingidivine said:
i feel you on that about the samplin thing, but the same could be said about cats that play the trumpet or the strings or the bass or any other insturment through a keyboard...if your not picking up the actual instrument and playing it out then isnt it all sampling?? and when u say easiest way out.. out of what exactly...some cats prefer to sample than play it out its just a prefrence.... and im not talking about the producers who loop up an intro put a kick and snare and call it a day... im talkin about those dudes that spend days diggin to find a record, take 2 seconds of the middle of an old ass 70's record and make it into the hottest **** u ever heard....

but thas just my take on it..i do both..its actually harder for me to sample tho.. i can play out whatever comes in my head but when i only have a certain melody, or 2 or 3 notes that i sampled 2 work with and i have to make that into 3 mins...it makes me be more creative.

but 2 each his own i guess..lol
King I Divine

I'm not attacking you or anything jay but king is absolutely right on that one. unless you play all your own instruments and/or only use synthetic hardware, you're sampling. Even with your drums, if you're not electronically creating them or using a live drum set you're sampling. I'd say check mate on that point King.

and again jay I'm not attacking man, just speaking my opinion
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kingidivine said:
Wus going my fellow producers...My wife brought it to my attention that sometimes i just dont know when to leave a beat alone....sometimes when im making my beats the simpliest trax be the rawest **** you ever heard...then a brotha start adding synths and all kinds of stuff and by the time im done the track be all weak......lol anyways i was just wondering if any of yall go through that samething when making your beats..
ie: check this beat out ......I think its raw the way it is... what yall think

this beat is def..raw.
I used to over doit all the time but when i started spittin a few years back i noticed my joints were hotta when the beat was nice and simple.A sample says alot too.
lol they ought to make this a hybrid thread the overproducing/to sample or not debate! 4 the over producing i feel that yes there has 2 be a certain leeway as 2 how much instruments a sound arragnements u put into a song. Really though its all based on the artist. some artists are extremely creative and all they need is 5 track beat to be happy, while there are some artists (im not knockin anybody) who are lazy and just want to work only to make verses giving you the responsibilty to add more to it. I'd say make different variations and keep each individually recorded sound incase u need them

thats a raw beat u made on the video. very clean very clean!
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hip hop started with mixing a simple breakbeat on a turntable. someimtes simple is better. nasty beat keep up the goodwork
A beat is only as good as its weakest element. So the more tracks you introduce, the more you need to consider that track's part in your song. Does it compliment the beat? Is it just noise in the background?