what unique effects do you use when djing?


New member
looking to add some flare to my dj sets! also just thought it would be a fun discussion. What cool effects do you use when djing? how do you map your decks n stuff? give me some ideas :D
i DJ a lot for hip-hop emcee's, so i end up using a lot of vocal records to scratch over the breaks. some of my favorite effects to throw on them are: reverb for starts, it adds a nice ambiance. i like to pitch shift either 15-20% up or down, depending on the tone of the vocal and also of the song. lately a tiny amount of bit crusher has been a nice edge to some dirtier sets. delay is always a useful one, but you need to be aware of the parameters as not to ruin the rhythm. and as always, i feel the golden rule for most situations when using effects is that a little goes a long way; they subtle-ness is what makes it smooth ;)

-Logoz the Kritick
i like reversing a beat over the same beat looped. so it gets this weird crossover overlay effect, with some reverb it sounds wicked.