Time stretching problem In Fl Studio


New member
Okay,I made an account for this problem and I really needed it answered so what had happened was,I sample a lot now & days so recently I wanted to make a sampled beat in Fl studio 10.So I use the time knob under "Time stretching" to align the bars of the sample but here's the problem I turn the knob and It changes the pitch,It usually changes the tempo without the pitch changing at all or anything it's so frustrating trying to get it back to how I want it :( and the thing is I can do it when I change the actual tempo but that don't work well when I have other parts of the sample I wanna throw in the mix I want the time knob to play that role !!!!!
there's a setting in the channel bar that lets you do exactly you left it on resample most likely and forgot to change it to pro default or something along the lines of that dude.put whatever your clip clip is, and dodo the settings after it shows up in the channel bar.

although stuff in the playlist it goes into the channel bar.
hmm that didn't work much for me but you had some points though it fixed some what of my problem but it wasn't spot on because it took away somethings at the same time as helping me like I wanna be able to stretch the clip by grabbing it with the mouse cursor do you have any idea of how to do that ? and when I do what you said I can't make the sample high pitched.
Tonal make's the drums sound off ...It's a pain trying to find where to put the kick and the snare the way I'm trying to get it back to is really basic.
Dam i think i know whatcha vocal about dude.If by "off" it sounds metalic or weird that means you've gone too far and notice artifacts in the sample.

which also make em believe you sampling youtube songs because those are 44.1-48khz max and not 96khz or 192khz samplerate.basically if you want to go further, you'll have to find a version with a higher samplerate or do the ghetti method known as cloning the part you want stretched.
That is very true I get my sample's off of Youtube but anyways you fixed my problem it was the thing you asked me did I touch everything is back to normal now thanks a lot ...Follow me on soundcloud.com/DJQuadinero