Strange FL error - slowing all imported WAVs???


New member
This has happened three times recently. I suspect that it is a conflict with my soundcard in some way? But I can't prove it and what it does to my audio is really f**ked up.

I do most of my projects in FL11 with audio and I don't use the step sequencer. So if I slow down the tempo, because I chop a lot of audio files, it actually f**ks up the whole project. If I raise the master pitch it has no effect as it only effects the stems on the step sequencer (from what I have found)

Anyway, recently I have had something happened where in the mixer I am assigning an input channel into a mixing channel and when I go to that it says something like "the needed sample rate couldn't be supported by the ASIO driver". Usually when this happens it means that my soundcard is not plugged in and I have to exit FL and power the soundcard and then reopen FL. However, when it has been happening in these instances it just keeps working - strange.

Now here's the really f**ked up thing. I close the project - it's all sounding good. I reopen the project - the loop points (red bar) is all the same but the whole project is markedly slower. So I think, hell, I can't fix this in here - I'll just meticulously map the bus paths and save the mix channels and start again from scratch.

Then I reimport the audio I've been using into a new project and IT'S STILL SLOW. In fact I open the audio in VLC and IT'S STILL SLOW. It's as if (and I struggle here) FL has slowed down the actual audio (how the f**k did it do that???) so that it is slower EVERYWHERE, not just in FL.

I'm at a loss.