starting over.....

dj crispy

New member
i need some advice, im not new to spinnin but its been over a year since the last time ive spun.....its like i never did it before i mean i know what to do i just cant do it any more any advice?
thank you for the responce. i know that i just have to practise,but is there any little tips that you or anyone can give me.....
yeah i think you should just practive, things will come together again

hey just so you know.. it may take a few hours before you get feedback when you post a new thread (i red the 2 other threads you posted about this).
Try and remember as much as you can about before you stopped, and do your best to mimic that... oh yeah, and practice.
again thank you for the see oddie its kinda hard to remember before i head was...uh....lets just say really unclear ,quite a bit altered if you will. i stepped out of the whole scene to get ....uh... levelheaded, so you see its like i am starting over, i had never spun with a clear mind and my hands are out of practise so please try and feel me and get me out of this rut i can use all the help i can get. thanx guys!!
Ok here he is. Sorry guys just learning.