Should I get a Soundkitz AE-F for my room?




I'm getting home sick from my studio out here in boonies of PA at school but it's all cool. My problem is that I can't exactly set up a studio in my dorm room and truthfully I don't want to because I already had to deal with some gear jackers last year down here at LSU. luckily they only got my old keyboard and mic so f&!kem I hope they plug it in wrong and get electricuted but that's another story.

What I'm tryin to be able to do here is this. I want to be able to set up like a quick studio so I can get my tracks in and tuck it away in my trunk when I'm not using it. I got a roomate and he's cool but I've only known this dude for 2 months and it's whatever. I still don't leave any of my stuff out when I'm not there. The only time I can really get in my tracks is like in the afternoon when everyone usually has classes or on the weekends when most people dip out. With the mic I have I pick up crazy ambience and noise from outside my door and bumps and thumps from whatever the hell the people in the room next to me be doin. Hopefully not bumpin and thumpin eachother cause that's all I hear when their in the room.

My dorm isn't so bad through because I can record a decent track still unlike where they had me at last year where I was by this damn smoke alarm that chirped randomly and they never bothered to fix it all year till I switched rooms. I have a closet like space that drowns out some of the noise and that's what I've been using for the time being. I've seen a couple people online using reflection filters and I'm thinking about hoppin on that train and getting one too. I wont be back home till Dec and there not exactly any guitar centers near me I can get to. So I narrowed it down to a couple. The Reflexion filter project version or a Soundkitz AE-F. I was able to find more info on the Reflexion thing but only found a couple things about the AE-F but mostly good stuff. If I go for the Reflexion joint I'll spend 200 which is fine as long as it does what it says but the AE-F is like 120 and that might do the job for me too. If I can cut down on some of the stuff leaking into my audio I'll be happy as hell.


I'm looking for a filter to use in my dorm room.

Damn I was going to post a shot of my room space but I cant.