Robert DeNiro slams Jay-z at leo dicaprios's party


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Robert DeNiro slams 'rude' Jay-Z at Leonardo DiCaprio party | Mail Online

Jay-z: Hey bob, hehe
DeNiro: you talkin to me ?
Jay-z: bob...
DeNiro: You talkin to me ??
Jay-z: Bob whats....
DeNiro: why didn't you return my calls ?
Jay-Z: I was.....
DeNiro: you turning me down ?
Jay-Z: I was workin, man bob...
DeNiro: You, with your schmucky little office in your schmucky little home, you're turning *me* down? For what, so you can go back and listen to housewives piss and moan about how nobody ****s 'em right anymore?
Jay-Z: bob what I'm tryin to say is...
DeNiro: what ?...what ?
Jay-z: i was reachin out on twitter, that's why i wasn't returnin the call,Times are changing. You've got to change with the times
DeNiro: What, am I supposed to get a ****in' website?
Jay-z: Bob keep your hand down, you don't wanna do this
DeNiro: I wasn't really gonna whack you.
Jay-z: bob....
DeNiro: Okay, I was gonna whack you. But I was real conflicted about it.
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Apparently, Mr. DeNiro wanted Jay-Z for some kind of event. This shows this guy's arrogance. Before anyone blasts Robert DeNiro, think about this. How did Robert get Jay-Z's number? Jay-Z gave it to him. Why give someone your number and not answer their call? Not once, but 6 times! Then, you try to have a convo with them? This guy. Brings me back to Jay-Z's lyrics in "Empire State of Mind." "I be right next to DeNiro but I be hood forever." He won't be next to DeNiro for some time. LOL!
The Housewives of FP - are gonna report this thread; cause its not music related.

Its six degrees of separation...Better delete it fast. ...
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I'm curious to hear how the Rob and Jay-z on a track would be like. Would Deniro be singing? or would he just be providing a spoken part to the song
Yea man I thought he Phisically grab him lifted him and slammed him.. I had the visuals in my head already, i opened this thread lookin for a video.
It's kinda rude on Jay's part. If you agree to do something then why not respond with a simple "hey, i can't do it right now, i'm busy"

On the other hand the most i would call someone is twice and leave a message on the second. If they don't respond after that then i'm moving on.

A little desperate to call someone 6 times.
LOL ea i feel you.
It'sRobert Deniro tho, I can picture him callin' 6 times Like WTF is up with this guy, huh? LOL