Pronouciation challange (practice)


So, here's a made up word that holds all (i think) english vowel sounds and all combination of beginning consonant sounds, I left it with weird spelling and split into syllables so it's easier to read quickly and see how each bit is pronounced:

bah bleh broh cih cluh crair chear door dray fee froy fleye goo gr(ow) glowe hah jeh loh mih nuh pair prear ploor quay ree soy sky slowe spoo splow swah sneh smoh sprih shuh stare spraw tear tray vee woy zeye yowe thow scloo twa dweh scloh

I don't know the technical words for each type of vowel but here's the pronunciation guide / breakdown:

h sound vowels -
b-ah bl-eh br-oh c-ih cl-uh

r sound vowels -
cr-air ch-ear d-oor

y sound vowels -
dr-ay f-ee fr-oy fl-eye

w sound vowels -
g-oo gr-ow gl-owe

vowels cycle with remaining consonant sounds -
hah jeh loh mih nuh
pair prear ploor
quay ree soy sky
slowe spoo splow

swah sneh smoh sprih shuh
stare spraw tear
tray vee woy zeye
yowe thow scloo

twa dweh scloh

Edit: read all the words beginning with c's as k's to avoid confusion.

I left out some, for example the c sound in ice is so close to the s sound in eyes there's not much point in putting in the c sound. X is just ks and can never start a word without a vowel.

There's 48 syllables in this word which means if you can do the whole word in around 4 seconds you're going as fast as 32nds in most hip hop tempos. (busta rhymes, tech n9ne speed)

If you want to practise a specific consonant or make it harder add to the end of every syllable a consonant e.g. bassblessbross etc or make it even harder by alternating between two similar sounding end consonants like s and sh or m and n (this is how tongue twisters are created - with similar sounds).


It's pretty difficult to find the average syllables per breath, if anyone could find that it would be another cool metric to consider and compare for lung capacity.
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Final update, not sure if anyone is finding this a helpful tool. I rearranged all the consonant groups and vowels to make something more easy to remember

clay crow cheers scruffy dwarf flee free their star globe ask echo your ploy bless no bra jello display tray mean epic air savvy pro query spy straw gear grew slow swallow sprout water drew smash udder wazoo

new consonant order: cl cr ch scr f dw fl fr th st gl b sk c y pl bl sn br j l d spl tr m n p c s v pr q r sp str g gr sl sw l spr tw dr sm sh d w z
i think it has all the consonant combinations and the vowels in normal english speech. Has 48 syllables so the above still applies with speed. I think this version is actually better because it makes you move your mouth/tongue/etc a lot more since the consonants and vowels are more randomized. First person to do this accurately in under 4 seconds i will tip my hat to. 38 words/4 seconds*60 = 570 words per minute. The idea of this is that it has the least repeating sounds while covering all of them and can flow out in one piece making it easy to go through then start over if you can do more than one round per breath.

Spoken version: Text To Speech, TTS: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, German, Portuguese

I'm out. :cheers:

*Edit* for those not wishing to say bless no bra jello in practise:
clay crow cheers scruffy dwarf flee free their star globe ask echo your ploy bless no jello display tray mean epic air savvy pro query spy straw gear brag grew slow swallow sprout water drew smash udder wazoo
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